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Iatrogenesis (Reactions caused by drugs, operations, and invasive procedures)
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© David Little 1996-2023, all rights reserved.
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Statistics show that many who visit a physician suffer symptoms due to drugs or invasive medical procedures. Some of these procedures may be needed at the times, but unfortunately, the outcomes are often ignored. Many of these people end up in hospitals or back in the doctor's office, but are given little true help. Homeopaths have studied reactions to allopathic drugs for 190 years and documented a iatrogenic phenomenon called the suppression syndrome. The suppression syndrome goes far beyond the normal concept of "side-effects" and records the acute, latent and chronic states caused by unskillful medical intervention and immunizations. This theory forms a fundamental part of homeopathic philosophy and has been empirically confirmed many times in practice. This is a deep study that is an integral part of constitutional homeopathy. For our study we will be taking up the acute reactions that are encountered due to common medical practice.

Materia Medica

Arnica (2): This remedy is useful before and after medical procedures that such as surgery, invasive testing or dental work. It prevents the mental shock and trauma as well as potential infections.

Aconite (2): Fear, anxiety of panic before or during a medical procedure. They are fearful of death and predict the time of their death. Sudden invasion of hot, dry fever. The patient is very restless and thirsty. Wounds or stitches become sensitive with "Acon" fever symptoms.

Avena Sativa (3) : narcotics). Withdrawal from morphine, heroine, and other opiates. Usually use in tincture or low potencies. A very good "tonic" after nervous debility after exhausting diseases.

Bellis P (3) after operations). First remedy in injury to deeper tissues, especially after major operations. Traumatism to pelvic organs. Soreness of the abdominal walls. Injury to nerves with intense soreness and intolerance of cold bathing. Arn. may be given before the operation and Bellis after the operation.

Calendula (3): Promotes rapid healing of damaged tissue and prevents infection. Comes in after Bell-p. has removed the deep trauma. The trio of Arn., Bell-p., and Calendula are often used routinely during convalescence after surgical intervention.

China (2): Helps restore fluid balance and strength after excessive bleeding or loss of vital fluids through burns, discharges, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, etc.. Useful after gall bladder removal.

Hypericum (3-dental): Injury due to dental work. Nerve feels as if it is exposed. Bleeding after extraction. Pain in an injection site that radiates upward alone the path of the nerve. Acute side-effects of immunization.

Ipecac (1): Persistent nausea in which vomiting does not relieve, especially after chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Clean white tongue with gastric complaints.

Ledum (3): Acute pain in an injection sight. Part feels numb and cold. Acute side-effects of immunizations.

Nux Vomica (3): Useful where there has been excessive use of cathartics, liver pills, herbal patent medicines, stimulants, tonic, etc.. Also useful in over use of allopathic medicines and narcotics. Addictive personality. The sufferer's digestive system is upset, they are irritable and angry and constipated.

Phosphorus (3): ailment from anesthesia). An excellent remedy to remove the side-effects of anesthesia. Also useful for excessive bleeding after a tooth extraction or surgery.

Staphisagria (2): Useful in pain surgical lesions, after operations of the female organs, and the use of urinary catheters.

Thuja (3 - immunization). Proven very useful in the side-effects of immunizations and vaccines.


anesthesia, ailments, from - Acet-ac., am-c., Carb-v., Chlf., hep, ph- ac., PHOS.

antibiotic, worse from - apis, ars., chin., lyc., nat-p., Nit-ac., thuj.

chemicals, hypersensitive to - apis., ARS., Coff., med., Merc., nat- c., Nit-ac., nux-v., PHOS., psor., sul-ac., sulph.

chemotherapy, treatment, side-effects of - ars., CAD-S., chin., Ip., nux-v.

digitalis, abuse of - chin., dig., nit-ac.

drugs, abuse of - ars., AVEN, hydr., Ip., NUX-V., Puls., Sulph.

weakness, from drugging - aven., carb-v., laur., Mosch., Op.

purgatives, abuse of - aloe., hydr., Nux-v., op., sulph.

herbs, abuse of - camph., NUX-V.

immunizations, side-effects, acute reactions, from - acon., apis., arn., bell., calen., cic., hep., HYPER., LED., pyrog., Thuja.

preventative, for side-effects - Hyper., Led., sil., sulph., Thuja., vario.

radiation, sickness of, side effects of - ars., CADM-S., calc-f., chin., fl-ac., Ip., nux-v., phos., rad-br., SOL., x-ray.

sensitive, wounds, with fever - Acon.

surgery, complication, from- acet-ac., Acon., ARN., BELL-P., CALEN., Carb-v., Chin., Chlf., Op., Phos., Piloc., STAPH., Stront-c.

adhesions, after - calc-f., calen., sil.

bleeding after- calen., Phos.

cancer - Coca.

colic, after lithotomy or ovariotony - Staph.

fistula, operation of, berb, calc., calc-f., calen, caust, graph., sil., sulph., thuj.

gall bladder surgery, after removal- CHIN., lyc.

healthy granulations, to promote healing, prevent infection - CALEN.

hernia , for pain in abdomen, after - Hyper.

inflammation , from., acon., Anthr., arn., ars., Bell., bell-p., calc-s., CALEN., Hep., hyper., Pyrog., rhus-t., Sil., Staph.

intestine , paralysis of after laparotmoy - Op.

joints - bry., calen., hyper.

mastectomy, after - calen., bell-p., x-ray.

orifices, on - calen., coloc., Staph.

sensitive, wounds painfully, fever - Acon.

skin is drawn tight over the wound, when - kali -p.

stretching of tissue, with - staph.

teeth -

extraction, bleeding, after - arn., calen., ferr-p., Phos.

pain, after - Hyper., staph.

filling, pain, after - ARN., hyper., merc., Merc-i-f., NUX-V., sep.

injury from dental work - HYPER.

nerve, as if exposed - Cham., coff., Hyper., Kalm.

neuralgic pains - BELL., CHAM., COFF., Coloc., hyper., MAG- P., Nux-m., Sil.

wounds, of CALEN., Staph.. (refer to infected wounds).

Comments. For more details on the remedies refer to the Materia Medica of First Aid or larger works for more information. For specific problem, such as infected wounds, refer to their specific sections if relevant. A few of the most commonly used remedies are listed below for easy reference.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.

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