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© David Little 1996-2023, all rights reserved.
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Shock is a serious condition in which the blood flow to the vital organs becomes inadequate due to loss of vital fluids, or a sudden drop of blood pressure. Hyovolemic shock (shock due to loss of vital fluids) is caused by external and internal bleeding, burns, perforation of the gastrointestinal track, vomiting, diarrhea, kidney disease, and inadequate fluid intake. Cardiogenic shock is caused by insufficient cardiac output such as is seen in heart attacks. Shock due to vasodilatation is caused by cerebral trauma or hemorrhage, hepatic failure, sepsis, or drugs or poisons. The symptoms include lethargy, confusion, and somnolence. The hands and feet are cold, moist, blue, pale and the skin is clammy. There nausea, thirst and faintness. The breathing is rapid and shallow and may be accompanied by anxiety. The pulse is weak, fast and thread-like. Anaphylactic shock is an allergenic reaction to certain allergens or a insect sting such as that of a bee. This reaction will usually be accompanied by swelling of the throat and difficult breathing.

In the case of shock the first responder should check the pulse and respiration and look to see if there are any external injuries. Hemorrhages should be stop, air passages cleared, and artificial respiration (refer) or CPR (refer) given if necessary. Lay the victim on their back if possible and raise the feet to improve the circulation to the heart, lungs and brain. Turn the head to the side with the chin raise to kept air passages open. Loosen any tight clothing, cover the person, and do not give them anything to drink. If the victim becomes unconscious or vomits put them in the recovering position (refer). Call the emergency services. Monitor the pulse and respiration and keep the air passage clear if there is vomiting.

Materia Medica

Acetic Acid (1): Great relaxation, with vertigo and fainting. Dry heat after much bruising or sprains. Eyes sunken and surrounded by dark rings. Weakening emissions next night. Antidote to anesthetic vapors.

Aconite (3): Injury with fright, followed by fever, fear of death and misfortune, great restlessness, cannot be pacified. Septic shock. All the senses are excessively keen. pulse tense, thread-like and worry, chilly when uncovered, fainting when rising from recumbent position, cold feet.

Arnica (3): Useful in preventing shock and collapse. After an injury, sickness of stomach or vomiting form shock < worse motion, rising, wants head low. Wants the body covered warmly, the whole body is cold, except the head and face that are warm and hot. Bruised feeling all over body. Slow weak pulse. Fears the approach of others.

Arsenicum (1): Tendency toward collapse, as in cholera, skin dry, cold or moist, pinched or livid. Great restlessness, thirst for water little and often, vomits drink as soon as swallowed. Wants external heat and can not bear a breath of air, Better > perspiring and pain returns as soon as sweat stops.

Calcarea Carb (2): Constant feeling of heat and coldness, with or without shivering. Withered skin and emaciation. Constant anxiety about his affairs. Patient sweats from mental exertion. Septic shock form bone and other suppuration. Marked fear, cold, damp feet, easy sweating from any exertion, cold hands and feet. Adapted to phlegmatic constitutions.

Camphora (3): After injuries or shock when the whole surface of the body cold and clammy. Face is pale and bluish, lips blue, tendency to diarrhea form shock and exhaustion. Pulse feeble. Nervous anxiety with stupefaction of mind, feeling of great exhaustion and weakness. Respiration few and sighing. Nervous anguish.

Carbo Veg (3): Collapse with hippocratic countenance, cadaverous stools, stagnate circulation, coldness of surface. Breath absolutely cold, and still the patient wants to be fanned, though apparently dying. Frequent scarcely perceptible pulse. Loss of vision and hearing. Fat, sluggish lymphatic constitution.

Chamomilla (2): Groans all the time, can not stand the pain. Worse < talking or touch. Cold moist skin, seat on forehead and extremities cool, pain burning and if torn, better > warmth. Irritable and snappish.

China (2): After exhausting hemorrhages, pale countenance and threatening collapse, fainting with ringing in the ears, deafness and eructation. Heat in cardiac region, feels the blood coming warm from the heart. Nervous agitation, anxious, can hardly breathe.

Cuprum Met (2): Spasmodic symptoms and cramps. Rolling from one side to the other , at intervals trying to take a deep breath. Frequent thread-like pulse.

Digitalis (3): Cardiac shock, great cardiac debility with very slow pulse. Faintness and weakness with sweat, bluishness, inactivity of pupils, optical illusion.

Gelsemium (1): Great distress and apprehension at the memory of a former accident. Overpowering fear with fatigue. Unconscious anxious muttering. Tendency toward diarrhea with fear and aching limbs. head, arms, back and legs feel too heavy to lift, feels easier and drowsy resting on the couch.

Helloborus (1). Shock from an blow or fall on the head. Drowsiness, one pupil larger than the other, semi-consciousness, breathing heavy and slow. Pulse full and easily compressed. Worse 3 to 6 p.m.

Hepar Sulph (1). Low pain tolerance, a little pain causes fainting, preceded by vertigo, then headache, involuntary deep inspiration, internal shivering from below upward. Very irritable and excitable, nervous trembling. Limbs feel weak and bruised.

Hypericum (3): Fractured skull, head and spinal injuries. Injuries of feet and hands. Tetanus, darting pains in back, contraction of muscle from injuries to nerves. Desire to urinated but can not. Great nervous depression.

Ipecac (2): Hemorrhages of bright red blood causes fainting. suffocating feelings, prostration, pallor, nausea, vomiting diarrhea. Pupils dilated, chilliness, cold hands and feet, which are dripping with cold sweat. Persistent nausea.

Lachesis (3): Shock apparently strikes the heart. Cardiac shock, pain in the heart and sensation of suffocation, wants to tear everything away from the throat from anguish. Rapid gasping and incessant sighing. Very talkative. Worse < sleeping, or after waking.

Natrum Mur (2): Chronic affects after injuries and shock. Great thirst, threatening collapse, with intermittent pulse. Worse < consolation, 11 a.m., lying on left side, with heart throbbing.

Nux Moshata (2): Constant drowsiness, even in a chill, stupid and sleepy. Peculiar prostration of old people who tire very easily. Dry tongue and mouth, but no thirst.

Opium (3): After a fright. Breathing rapid, irregular, eyes bloodshot, fixed, and unequal. Injuries of brain, strokes, shock, concussion with unconsciousness.

Psorinum (1): Protracted cases, with despair of recovery, from the sequels of shock and nervous exhaustion.

Strontium Carb (1): Surgical shock. Similar to Carb-v..

Tabacum (2): Cold sweat and constant deadly nausea. Giddiness. Vomiting worse < from motion, better > after vomiting. Body cold, especially legs, pulse irregular, small .slow, feeble. Great relaxation.

Veratrum Album (3): Cold sweat mostly on the face and forehead, vomiting , diarrhea, thirst, profuse seat, extreme pain, with delirium and terror. Chilliness increase by drinking, intense desire for old water. Features deathlike, thread-like pulse, internal bleeding, visceral hemorrhages, and the abdomen feels cold.


SHOCK, traumatic - Acet-ac., ACON., ARN., Ars., Calc., CAMPH., CARB0-V., Cham. Chin., Cupr., DIG., Gels., hell., hep., HYPER., Ip., LACH., Nat-m., psor., Staph., stront-c., sulph., Tab., VERT.

better > perspiring, pain returns as soon as sweat stops - ARS.

blood or fluid loss, from - Carbo-v., Chin., stront-c.

breath absolutely cold, and still the patient wants to be fanned - Carbo-v.

bruising and sprains, after - Acet-ac.

cardiac shock -

great cardiac debility with very slow pulse - DIG.

shock apparently strikes the heart - LACH.

chronic affects -

after injuries and shock - nat-m.

protracted cases, despair of recovery - psor.

cold sweat - calc-c., tab., verat.

cold sweat mostly on the face and forehead - VERAT.

drowsiness, constant- Nux-m.

dying , apparently - Carbo-v.

fainting when rising from recumbent position - ACON.

fractures, after - acon., Arn., bry., stront-c.

hemorrhages -

exhausting - CHIN.

bright red blood causes fainting - Ip.

injuries of brain, concussion with unconsciousness- OP.

mind -

agitation, nervous, so anxious can hardly breathe - china.

anguish, nervous -camph.

anxiety - calc., camph.

constant, about his affairs - Calc.

nervous anxiety with stupefaction of mind - camph.

distress and apprehension at the memory of a former accident - GELS.

fear - ACON, Arn., calc., Gels.

fear and fright - ACON.

fears the approach of others - ARN.

overpowering fear with fatigue - Gels.

groans all the time, can't stand the pain - CHAM.

irritable and snappish - Cham.

mental shock - Acon., apis., Arn., Gels., Ign., OP., ph-ac.

prevention of shock and collapse - ARN.

restlessness, great - Acon, Ars.

cannot be pacified -Acon.

talkative, very - LACH.

terror - Verat.

unconscious anxious muttering - gels.

pain tolerance low a little pain causes fainting - hep.

persistent nausea - IP., Tab.

Better vomiting - tab.

Not better vomiting - ip.

respiration few and sighing - camph.

septic shock - ACON., Ars., calc.

advanced stages - Ars., calc.

stages - Acon.

spasmodic symptoms and cramps - CUPR.

surgical - acon., arn., Calen., camph., carbo-v., OP., pyrog., Staph., STRONT-C., verat.

antidote anesthetic vapors - acet-ac.

tetanus - HYPER.

thirst for water little and often, vomits drink as soon as swallowed - ARS.

whole surface of the body cold and clammy - CAMPH.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.

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