There are many different reasons for the unconsciousness of a person. These include anaphylactic shock, asphyxia, bleeding, choking, head injury, electric shock, gas inhalation, heart attacks, heatstroke, insulin shock, poisoning, stroke, etc.. Refer to the specific chapters which deal with these conditions for more information. The symptoms of coma are unresponsiveness and complete lack of awareness of ones surroundings. The first priority in unconsciousness is to check the victim's ABC's, air passages, breathing and circulation. If the victim is not breathing use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (refer). If a neck injury is suspected do not twist or rotate the head when giving artificial respiration. Very gently slightly raise the chin to open the air passages. Check the mouth and throat for foreign matter or internal discharges such as vomit, mucus and blood. Then begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If the heart has stopped beating begin CPR immediately. If the victim is breathing maintain an open airway and loosen tight clothing, especially around the neck. If you suspect a severe fracture, neck or back injury do not move the individual except to maintain an open airway. If there is no injury to the spine, or severe fracture place, the victim in the recovery position and check for the reason for the unconsciousness. Check the body from top to bottom looking for signs that may get clues to the cause of the coma. Treat any life threatening injuries first. Keep the victim warm, do not give the anything to drink, and do not leave them alone. Call 911 immediately or send someone for help.
The first responder is often called to assist in unconsciousness from a traumatic injury or concussion. The first remedy to use in this circumstance is Arnica. Some specific remedies are list below with the conditions for which they are suited.
Materia Medica
Aconite (2): Alternating stupefaction and restlessness with mild delirium twitching, starts as in a fright, pulse frequent.
Arnica (3): Unconsciousness from traumatic injuries and concussions.
Antimonium Tart (1): Death rattle, great rattling mucus with no ability to expel it. Paralysis of the lungs.
Belladonna (2): Convulsions and coma from a high fever. Face is red and hot but the extremities are cold. Spasms and twitching of muscles during coma.
Cannabis Indica (1): Deep sleep-like coma. Choking on swallowing, things go down the wrong way. Frightful dreams.
Carbo Veg (3): Looks like a corpse, almost lifeless. Body is cold, icy blue, stagnant circulation, breath is cold.
China (2): Coma after loss of vital fluids, especially blood.
Digitalis (2): Coma due to heart and circulatory problems. Unconsciousness after coition.
Hellaborus (3): Complete unconsciousness, heart beat and pulse slow, skin only moderately warm, bowels inactive involuntary urination. Stupor and coma.
Hyoscyamus (3): Complete loss of consciousness, pupils dilated. Apoplexy, snoring, involuntary stool and urine.
Ignatia (1): Unconsciousness do to emotions such as unrequited love and grief. Hysteria.
Lachesis (2): Stupefaction or loss of consciousness, blue face, and convulsive movements, tremor of extremities. Coma due to stroke or heart attacks.
Moschus (1): Catalepsy. Unconsciousness from hysterical fainting, fits and convulsions.
Nux Mochata (3): As if intoxicated. Cold extremities, extreme dryness of the mucus membranes and skin. Mouth is dry. tongue adheres to the roof of the mouth, but there is no desire to drink.
Nux Vomica (3): Unconsciousness from alcohol or drugs. Stroke, falls into coma, face pale, head hot, pulse quick and hard, after a hearty meal or abuse of alcohol.
Opium (3): Complete insensibility, no mental grasp of anything. Paralysis of the brain. Eyes half closed, pupil contracted, eyes red and bloodshot. Complete loss of consciousness, apoplectic state.
Phosphoric Acid (2): Mental debility and apathy leads to unconsciousness. Delirium, with great stupefaction. Listlessness. The affects of grief and shock.
Zincum Met (1): Unconsciousness with automatic motions, rolls head from side to side. Impending paralysis of the brain. Poisoning from suppressed eruptions or discharges. In chronic disease trembling, convulsive movements, and frigidity feet.
COMA, unconsciousness - Acon., ARN., ant-t., bell., cann-i., CARB-V., Chin., Dig., HELL., Hyo., ign., Lach., mosch., NUX- M., NUX-V., OP., Ph-ac., zinc.
asphyxia - ANT-T, Carb-v.
alcoholic coma - gels., Glon., NUX-V., hyo., kali-br., stram.
catalepsy - camph.
coition, after - Agar., asaf., DIG.
concussion of the brain - ARN., nat-s., Op.
dead , lies as if- Arn., Carb-v.
delirium tremens , alcoholism - NUX-V.
diarrhea - ars.
eating - caust., Mag-m., NUX-V., ph-ac.
croup - Carb-v.
emotion, after - Acon., Cham., COFF., IGN., LACH, mosch., Op., nux-m., Ph-ac., phos., verat.
epilepsy - ars., BUFO., kali-bi., OP.. plb.
eruptions, suppression of - Zinc.
fever - ARN., Bell., NAT-M., OP.
fright - acon., op.
rage - stram.
heart disease - Ars., Aur., DIG.
angina pectoris - Arn, CIMIC.
hemorrhage - CHIN, Sabin.
meningitis -APIS., Rhus-t., VERAT.
cerebrospinal - HELL.
pain - HEP., Nux-m.
pregnancy - cann-i., Nux-m., Nux-v., sec.
shock, from injury - Arn., Op.
stroke - ARN., Bar-c., Hyo., LACH., OP., Phos., Stram.
sunstroke - Bell., GLON., lach., Op.
wound, flesh - Calen.
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services. |