Excessive bleeding is a very dangerous situation that needs medical attention quickly. Call 911 and your doctor immediately. Hemorrhages may involve both internal and external bleeding. It is very important to find the cause of the bleeding. Is the cause traumatic like that from an injured artery or vein, or does some internal pathological lesion cause it? Internal bleeding may be accompanied by dizziness and faintness, weak but rapid pulses, shallow breathing, and a cold, clammy skin. External bleeding is visible and is of two types, arterial and venous. If an artery is injured the flow of blood is bright red and spurts in time with the heartbeat. If a vein is injured the flow of blood will be steady and of a darker red color. The blood flow must be suppressed as soon as possible as there is a danger of the person going into shock (refer) Remove all foreign objects unless they seem to dangerous to remove and need surgical attention. Apply pressure directly over the site with a thumb or by squeezing the edges of the wound together. Cover the wound with a clean, sterile dressing. If the blood comes through the dressing do not remove it but apply more dressings and pressure. Elevate a bleeding extremity if possible. There are 13 major pressure points that an be used to control bleeding, For example if the injury is on the extremities apply pressure to the brachial or femoral artery to reduce blood flow. Pressure points on the head and neck must be used with the greatest caution. Refer to first aid works for more details on the use of pressure points. Keep the bleeding patient still and as calm as possible. Check the pulse every five minutes. If the pulse rate is increasing check for other sites of external bleed. If there is no external bleeding, the increase of the pulse may mean there is internal bleeding.
Materia Medica
Aconite (2): Acute hemorrhages when there is much anxiety, panic, fear, and restlessness with concomitant fever and thirst. The flow of the blood is bright red.
Arnica (2): If the bleeding is from a traumatic cause Arnica is the first remedy. This will help stop the bleeding, and prevent infections and shock. The patient feels sore, lame, bruised and does not want to be approached. Arnica is < injuries, shock, and jarring and > with the head lying low. They may be thirsty. The pulse is irregular and feeble.
Belladonna (3): This remedy is suitable for arterial injuries or hemorrhages where the blood is bright red, gushing, and of a sudden onset. The face is red and hot but the extremities may be cold. The pulse is full, rapid, and bounding. The blood coagulates easily and feels hot to the parts it passes. Congestion of the head, eyes, head, face, which are red and flushed. Great mental excitement. Patient is < any jar, draught of air, touch, or from rising, and are > by setting semi-erect or bending backward. Useful in uterine hemorrhages with bearing down pains. Suitable for plethoric types.
Bothrops (3): Bleeds from body orifices, from thrombosis, blood does not coagulate. Vomits black blood, black stools. Internal bleeding.
Carbo Veg (3): Continuous passive hemorrhage, patient wants to be fanned. Skin is cool, bluish, pulse is rapid and weak. Stagnant blood, decrease vital force due to loss of fluids. The patient is in shock and collapse.
China (3*): Intermittent profuse exhausting hemorrhages that nearly drain the patient dry or a passive oozing. The blood is dark and clotted and flows from any orifice. The loss of blood may be accompanied by ringing in the ears, severe anemia, and weakness. Is very useful in removing the weakness and anemia after major blood loss. Great irritability form nervous prostration, the patient may become apathetic, indifferent, disobedient, taciturn and despondent. China is worse < loss of vital fluids, periodically, cold, noise, mental exertion, after eating, bending over, < soft touch although hard pressure >. They are > by open air, wearing loose clothing, warmth and bending double.
Cinnamonium (2): Hemorrhages from slight causes such as a misstep, coming on suddenly, profuse bright red.
Crocus (2): Passive congestion where bleeding is dark, tenacious, black, tar-like, < from any motion. Hemorrhage from various parts, blood is black, viscid, clotting forming itself into long black strings hanging form the bleeding orifice Worse < morning, fasting, in the house, during pregnancy, Better > open air and after eating.
Ferrum Met (3): Great hemorrhagic tendency. Pallor of the face with alternating with flushing. Hemorrhage of bright red blood, often mixed with coagula, associated with a great deal of flushing, rapid and a little labored breathing, pulse increased in frequency and strength. After sever loss of blood, pale, bloated appearance, skin cool and pitting on pressure, particularly about the joint. Great lassitude and debility, cries easily, loss of appetite with aversion to food, constipation. Worse < during old weather and after midnight.
Ferr Phos (2): Bright red hemorrhages from any orifice. Often works well if no other remedy seems specifically indicated. Vomits bright red blood, nosebleeds, and bloody watery stools with undigested food menses every three weeks. The pulse is short, quick and soft. They are < motion, touch, jar, night, esp. 4-6 am, and are > lying down and cold applications.
Hammamelis (3): Useful in venous congestion, passive venous hemorrhages where the parts feel sore and bruised. The blood is usually dark. The patient exhibits no alarm or anxiety concerning the bleeding, great exhaustion and hammering headache. The individual is proud and wants the respect they feel is due to them shown by those around them. They are < injury, bruises, jar, motion, pressure and warm, moist air.
Ipecac (3): Bright red, gushing, profuse, steady flow of blood with concomitant nausea with hard labored breathing and fainting. Cold skin and sweat. Clean tongue with no thirst. The patient is irritable and holds everything in contempt or is full of desires for what they know not. They are < periodically, moist warm wind and lying down and > open air.
Millefolium (3): Bright red hemorrhages of lungs, uterus or bowel, of mechanical origin. No anxiety about the bleeding, no pain.
Phosphorus (3*): Hemorrhage from any part of the body, particularly the lungs and stomach. The blood is bright red and does not coagulate and flows in fits and starts. Small wounds bleed much. Hemophilia. The patient is normally friendly, warm, social, and sympathetic, but becomes indifferent to family and friends with the loss of fluids. They desire cold drinks and food. They are < touch, exertion, twilight, warm foods and drink and > by cold, open air, sleep, and washing with cold water.
Sabina (3*): Bright red fluid blood with dark clots. Pains extend from the pubes to the sacrum and down the thighs. Especially suited to protracted uterine bleeding or after abortion or parturition. Labor like pains. Profuse bright menses or bleeding between periods with sexual excitement. Tendency toward miscarriage in the third month. They are < pregnancy, climacteric, warm room, least motion and are > cold and cool air.
Secale (3): Passive, painless, dark, offensive hemorrhages in nervous, thin, scrawny women with formication and tingling in the limbs. Cold with desire to be covered. Slow oozing, dark, thin, persistent flow worse < motion.
BLEEDING, in general - Acon., Arn., BELL., BOTH., CARBO-V., CHIN., CINNM., Croc., Ferr-p., HAM., IP, PHOS., SABIN., SEC.
black, blood - Chin., Croc., Ferr., ham., sec.
brownish, blood - carbo-v., ferr.
clots - arn., Bell, Croc., Ferr., ferr-p., Ip., phos., SABIN., sec.
dark clots - CROC., jam., Sec.
venous - ham., sec.
fluids, partly - Sabin.
fainting, tinnitus with loss of sight coldness, even convulsion - Chin., ferr., phos.
mind -
anxiety, fear & panic - ACON.
apathetic, indifferent, disobedient, taciturn and despondent - China.
friendly, warm, social, and sympathetic, but becomes indifferent to family and friends with the loss of fluids - Phos.
great mental excitement - acon., BELL.
proud and wants the respect they feel is due to them shown by those around them - Ham.
pale blood - carbo-v., ferr., Phos.
passive oozing - carbo-v., Chin., ferr-p., ham., sec.
prolonged, worse by - Chin.
red, blood - ACON., Bell., carbo-v., cinnm., Ferr-p., Ham., IP., MILL., phos., sabin.
surgery, after, with coldness and prostration - Calen., Stront-c.
traumatic causes - acon., ARN., ham., Mill., tril.
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services. |