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Eye Injuries
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Injuries to the eyes are always dangerous due to the sensitivity of the structures. If there is any question as to the severity of the injuries see a doctor. In major injuries give Arnica for shock, gently cover the eye with a clean gauze pad, and call 911 or drive the victim to the hospital. Small foreign bodies such as dust, sand or grit can be washed from the eye with gently running water and then bathed in Calendula solution. Larger objects can be wiped off the eyeball with a clean handkerchief that is dipped in Calendula. It is sometimes helpful to lift the lid to stimulate tear flow to clean the eye of foreign substances. If pain persists after removal of the foreign object, and the eye become red, inflamed, and feels as if there is something still in it, give Aconite. If the pain continues for more than 12 hours seek medical attention. The specific remedies for eye injuries are listed below.

Materia Medica

Aconite (3*): Pain from scratched cornea following removal of foreign bodies. Sensation as if there is sand in the eye. The first stage of inflammation, prior to exudation, of conjunctive cornea or iris, or after injuries or surgical operations. Eyeball sensitive to motion. Lids swollen, hard, and red. Aversion to light. Profuse watering after exposures to dry, cold winds, reflections of snow. Eye injuries that cause fear, restlessness and panic and hot, dry fevers with thirst, etc.. Worse < night, warm room, cold winds. Better > open air.

Allium Cepa (2): Ophthalmia after operation or trauma with great pain. Excessive non-excoriating lachrymation but bland nasal discharge (rev. of Euphr). Person looks like they have been cutting up onions. Burning of the margins of the lids. Worse < evenings, warm room.

Arnica (3*): Traumatic ophthalmia. Retinal hemorrhages from injuries or naturally. The eyes fell sore, aching, bruised, and have tearing, shooting pains. Double vision from trauma and head injuries. The eyes are very bloodshot. Often used as the first remedy to relieve shock and to prevent the undesired effects of injury. Worse < night, jarring, touch. Better > warmth, lying.

Calendula (3): Traumatic conjunctivitis, keratitis and iritis. Wounds of lids and brows. Useful as a lotion where there are foreign bodies in the eyes.

Cantharis (3 for burns). Inflammation of eyes caused by burns, burning in eyes and glowing heat as from coals. Biting sensation as if salt were in the eyes.

(a). for chemical burns, Causticum.

Cicuta Virosa (2): Spasmodic affection of the eyes, strabismus occurring after a fall or blow. The eyes are sensitive to light, letters go up or down or disappear, or colors of rainbow around them. Objects appear double or black, pupils dilated in concussion of the brain, or contracted in spasmodic affection. Worse < touch, draughts, concussion, tobacco smoke.

Euphrasia (2): Acrid, profuse lachrymation that may have concomitant bland discharge from the nose (rev. of All-c.). Useful in inflammations after injuries where the lids are red and swollen and thick, yellow, acrid, discharges. Blurring of the eyes > by winking. Worse < evening, indoors, sunlight, light and night. Better winking and in the dark.

Colocynthis (1): Glaucoma, with sever burning, cutting and sticking pains, extending to the head and around the eye. Feels as if the eye will fall out. Worse < night, stooping. Better > pressure, walking in a warm room. Glaucoma is very dangerous as well as painful and may cause blindness. The person will need immediate emergency treatment by a doctor.

Crocus (1): Lancinating pains in the eyes after surgical operations. Obstinate painful spasms of eyelids, most violent at night. Feeling as if a film of mucus were over them, presses the lids tightly together form time to time. Constant winking with suffusion of eyes in tears.

Hamamelis (3): Inflammation and ulceration of conjunctiva and cornea, if caused by a blow or burn. Traumatic iritis, with great pain at night and hemorrhage into interior of eye.

Heper Sulph (1): Useful when there is suppurative ophthalmia from an injury. Purulent discharges and splinter-like pains. Deep sloughing ulceration of the cornea, with intense photophobia, profuse lachrymation, throbbing aching shooting pains, better by warmth. Lids are spasmodically close, sensitive to touch and bleed easily upon opening. The patient is very chilly and irritable. Worse < dry cold winds, cool air, slightest draught, touch. Better > wrapping up head, warmth, and after eating.

Hypericum (3): Old injuries, pain and irritation of eye from injury several years before. Useful in cases where the nerves of the eyes seem affect and there are neuralgic pains.

Ledum (2): Puncture wounds to the eyes. Contusions with extravasations of blood into lids. Ecchymosis (bruising) of the conjunctiva. Hemorrhages after surgery. Burning of the lids and a feeling as if there is sand in the eyes. There is severe pain on attempt to open lids, sensation as if head and eyes were pressed asunder. Great lachrymation and nocturnal aggravation. The injured parts feel cold and are better > by cold. worse < heat, warmth, motion, night. Better > cold, lying down.

Silica (1): Useful when there a splinters and foreign object in the eye. If given early it can remove imbedded objects in the eyeball without pus formation.

Staphisagria (2): Pain from laceration and incised wounds of the globe or cornea. Sharp, clean cuts to and around the eyes. Useful after surgical operations. Worse < using the eyes, pain prevents reading or working by artificial light.

Sulphur (1): Pains as if there is a splinter or some other foreign body sticking in the eye. Sometime useful after Aconite when a foreign body has been remove yet some pain still remains. The edges of the eyes are redder than natural and there is biting, burning pains or a sensation as if there were sand in the eyes. May be useful when well selected remedies do not act. Worse < becoming heated. Better > open air.

Sulphuric Acid (1): Interocular hemorrhage due to trauma. Useful when old bruises and black eyes remain discolored.

Symphytum (3): Pain in the eye from a blow, trauma, or from orbital fractures. Pain in the eye form a blow with and obtuse object. One of the greatest remedies for traumatic injuries to the eye.


EYES, Injuries - ACON., All-c., ARN., calc., calc-s., CALEN., Euphr., HAM., hep., HYPER., Led., sil., Staph., sulph., sul-ac., SYMPH.

black eyes, ecchymosis - Acon., ARN., Bell., CACT., Con., Ham., Lach., LED., Lyc., Phos., Sul-ac., SYMPH.

blow to - arn., led., Symph.


injury after - ARN.

light, by - Calc., graph., mang., phos.

artificial light - aur-m, chin., lyc., mang., nux-m., phos.

entering light form darkness - Dig.

sun - Lith.

lighting stroke - Phos.

snow - Acon., Cic.

sunlight, sleeping in - Con.

burns - CANTH., Ham.

chemicals, of - Caust.


contusion, after - Arn, Con.

operation after - arn., CALEN, Seneg.


ecchymosis and injuries - Acon., Arn., Ham., lach., led., nux-v.

inflammation, traumatic - Acon., Arn., bell Calen., canth., euphr., Ham., led., sulph.

erysipelatous, from bites of insects - Led.

foreign objects - ACON., ARN., Calc., calen., Puls., SIL., sulph.

irritation of conjunctiva - Acon., sul.

sand and dust - Sul.

glare of fire or bright lights - Acon., canth., glon., merc.

inflammation, after injuries - ACON., ARN., calc., calc-s., CALEN., Euphr., Ham., Hep., HYPER., LED., Puls., sil., Staph., Sulph., sul-ac., SYMPH.

iritis, traumatic - Acon., Arn., bell., Ham., led., rhus-t.

old injuries of several years pain - Hyper.

opacity, from wounds - Euphr.

operations, bad effect from -Acon., arn., asar., bry., croc., ign., Led., rhus-t.. seneg. sront-c., thuj.

burn pains after - Staph., Zinc.

orbits, injuries to - Acon., Arn., ham., symph.

fractures to - SYMPH.

paralysis of lid after injuries - led.

redness, after injuries - ACON., Arn., Euphr., Hep., sil.

retina - Acon., Arn., bell., Ham., lach., led., phos.

hemorrhages of retina from trauma - Acon., Arn., bell., bothrops., croc., Crot-h., Ham., lach., Led., phos., sul-ac., symph.

scratched, cornea - acon., Calen., HYPER.

splinters in - ACON., Calc., Calen., HYPER., Sil., Sulph.

strabismus, dependent of injuries - Cic.

vaccinations, inflammation after - Thuj.

wounds, from cuts, surgery, etc. - acon., arn., CALEN., euphr., hyper., STAPH.

hemorrhage in chamber after iridectomy - led.

lacerations - Staph.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.

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