Hypothermia is usually caused by over exposure to natural elements, such as freezing weather, cold water, snow, ice, and high altitude conditions. During this condition the temperature of the body drops below 95 F. (35 C.) Infants and the elderly are the most susceptible to hypothermia. An infant will appear drowsy and limp and refuse to feed even if the hands and feet do not feel cold. As the temperature drops the victim becomes dreamy, unresponsive, apathetic, and reluctant to move. The extremities become cold and the entire body loses its warmth. There also may be cramps, numbness and paralysis. If the temperature drops down to 77 F. (25 C.) there is little chance of recovery as the body will enter the state of collapse and the breathing and heart beat will cease.
If the patient is not breathing give artificial respiration immediately. If you are sure the heart has stopped beating use CPR. Call the emergency service and monitor the victim's condition until help arrives. Take the person to a warm place and give them frequent sips of sweet, warm drinks. Warm the person gently as radical heating may overstrain the heart. Place well wrap warm (not boiling) hot-water bottles against the person body and wrap the person in warm blankets. Hold an infant against the body under warm cover with a warm hot-water bottle. Slowly warm the patient up and feed them warm fluids.
Materia Medica
Anti Tart (1): Sensation of coldness running through the blood vessels. Face cold blue pale, covered with cold sweat. Incessant quivering of chin and lower jaw. Chills and contractures and muscular pains. Trembling of the whole body, great prostration. Drowsiness, debility and sweat. Rattling of mucus in the chest but very little is expectorated.
Arsenicum Album (3): Faintness, icy coldness and great exhaustion, worse < after the slightest exertion. Collapsed cold, face with a pale death-like color, pinched-up bluish nose with mouth wide open. Coldness of the stomach. Sensation of coldness in the chest. Legs feel so heavy, can hardly raise them. Look of anxiousness and agony on the face. Ars. patients are usually thin, nervous and wiry.
Calcarea Carb (2): Icy coldness in and on the head, especially on the right side. Very sensitive to the least cold air, great liability to take cold, internal chilliness. Calc. patients are fat, flabby, cold, perspiring, and sour.
Camphora (3). Icy coldness of the whole body, low blood pressure, sudden sinking of strength, pulse small and weak. Victim will not be covered even though icy cold. Face pale, haggard, anxious, distorted, bluish and cold. Cold tongue, cold breath suspended respiration. Numbness, tingling, coldness and cramps of calves. Icy cold feet, cold tongue, and cold pale livid skin.
Carbo Veg (3): The patient is almost lifeless, icy cold but the head is hot, breath is cold, oppressed and quickened, air hunger must be fanned, pulse imperceptible. Face is pale, blue, hippocratic, cold with cold sweat. Body becomes blue, icy cold, blood seem to stagnate in the capillaries. The typical patient is sluggish, fat, and lazy.
Cuprum Met (3): Icy coldness of the body with spasmodic affection, cramps, convulsions beginning in the fingers and toes. Coldness of the hands, cramps in the palms, calves and soles. Face is blue-red or blue, lips and nails blue. Great coldness and blueness with collapse. Suited to fair-headed people.
Secale (3): Great external coldness yet a subject experience of heat, does not wan to be covered. Icy coldness of the extremities. Fingers and feet bluish, shriveled, spread apart or bent backwards, numb.
Veratrum Album (1). Collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness. Cold sweat on the forehead, pale face, rapid, feeble pulse. Icy coldness of the tip of the nose and face. Face very pale, blue, collapsed, cold. Skin, blue, clammy, inelastic, cold as death. Sensation of a lump of ice on the vertex. Sits in a stupid manner, noticing nothing.
Hypothermia, icy coldness of the body - ant-t., ARS., Calc., CAMPH., CARBO-V., CUPR., SEC., verat.
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services. |