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The Homoeopathic Treatment of Smoke and Fire
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Fire, Fires and More Fire

Wildfires have been with humanity since the beginning of time. In fact, the first fire used by human beings was probably a wildfire that was captured and fed fuel in order to maintain combustion. This was the first chemistry lab and fire provided light, warmth, protection and ability to cook food and expand human diet. Wildfires can also become dangerous and human beings, like all the other animals, would have to flee the area seeking safety. Fire has always been a blessing and a curse. The consequence of human activities such as slash and burn agriculture and factory farming, over hunting and fishing, destruction of forest cover and increasing population have made humanity more vulnerable to natural calamities. This situation is compounded by the burning of fossil fuels and biomass for energy.

These changes in the ecology have led to an evolutionary epoch called the Anthropocene, which is an era when humanity is contributing to changes in the global environment. Whether one believes that climate change is natural, manmade, or a combination of both is not important. The facts on the ground show that natural calamities and extreme weather pose a danger to humanity. That fire poses a clear and present danger was witnessed by the blaze on the island of Maui, Hawaii, the deadliest fire in the last century.

This article is intended for trained homoeopaths, well-educated domestic practitioners, and those individuals and volunteers working under their guidance. This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint, please consult a physician or call emergency services.

The goal of this information package is to locate the proper remedies for the first aid treatment of fire and its complications. It would be advantageous to keep a Homoeopathic Materia Medica close at hand for reference. May this work prove to be a benefit to all.

The First Aid Room

The Homoeopathic First Aid Room is an educational resource provided by David Little's website at simillimum.com. For a detailed review of the ABCs of the management of emergencies please refer to The Introduction to the First Aid Room. The Homoeopathic Treatment of Smoke and Fire is a comprehensive article covering fire and its attendant dangers. It offers remedies for exposure to fire, fumes, burns, smoke inhalation, particulate matter and toxic ash. Throughout the article there are links to other articles in the First Aid Room on concomitant conditions associated with fires. This includes Asphyxia, Shock, Dying, Burns, Infection, Poisons and the attendant Hazards of recovery and cleanup such as Bruises, Electrocution and Shocks, Eye Injuries, Fractures, Head injuries, Wounds and Cuts. Homoeopathic remedies may be used alongside of medicines given by the emergency services, doctors and hospitals. They relieve the physical and psychological symptoms, speed the cure and prevent complications.

Dose, Potency and Repetition

The two most common potencies used for emergency first aid are 30C and 200C. In slight to mildly moderate cases, the 30C potency is sufficient. In moderate to serious cases the 200C is more appropriate. The method of administration can be either the oral dry or liquid doses. Where it is not possible to give the oral dose due to the situation, olfaction of the remedy may be useful. If the oral or nasal tract is not practical, rub the liquid remedy on lips or the healthy parts of the skin. It is best to administer the single test dose and wait and watch for a reaction. As long as the patient is improving do not repeat the dose. If the improvement comes to a standstill, or the symptoms begin to relapse, repeat the dose. This is the "as needed" dosing method.

Those proficient with Hahnemann's advanced water dosing methods can use a single dose wait and watch and then repeat the remedy to speed the cure when necessary. In the most urgent emergencies, the remedy can be given every hour or even more frequently. In less urgent cases the remedy can be given every 2, 3, 4 or 6 hours. As the patient improves, slow down the repetition to 12 to 24 hours or longer. These time periods apply to the "as needed" method, as well as the method of "repeating the remedy to speed the cure". For more information on the dry and water dose, please refer to Hahnemann's Advanced Methods in the Little Library.

The First Responders

There are three major conditions associated with fire. First of all, there is direct exposure to fire and smoke causing burns and acute smoke inhalation. Secondly, there is exposure to smoke from wildfire burning at a distance which may include occasional buildings. Thirdly, there is exposure to a community fire that burns green cover, buildings, homes and businesses.

Those exposed to fire and smoke may suffer from burns and smoke inhalation. These persons need immediate first aid. The ABCs of the first aid is checking the airways, breathing and circulation. It is important to immediately call the emergency services for assistance. Remove the person from the fire and smoke-filled area if it is safe to do so. A major danger from fire is lack of oxygen, excess of carbon dioxide, and dangerous levels of carbon monoxide and in the case of building fires, cyanide.

Persons suffering from acute smoke inhalation may suffer troublesome breathing, coughing, hoarseness and confusion. There is also a danger of shock and collapse. For management and remedies for shock refer to First Aid Room : Shock. Some persons are so badly injured that they may face death. The remedies to assist the death process are listed in First Aid Room : Dying.

Serious burns need immediate attention by the emergency services. For management and remedies refer to the First Aid Room : Burns and Scalds. Burns can become infected. For remedies for skin infection refer to First Aid Room - Wounds and Cuts (Part 2 Infected Wounds).


The most immediate dangers to life from a fire are asphyxia, suffocation and carbon monoxide poisoning. Check the person's airways and breathing. Start CPR and continue until emergency services arrive. Give homoeopathic remedies as soon as possible as they can make the difference between life and death. For more information on Asphyxia see First Aid Room - Asphyxia. There are eight remedies that are specific for these conditions.


ASPHYXIA, apparent death: suffocation, fumes and carbon monoxide poisoning (8): Acon., Am-c., Arn., Bell., Bov., Carb-v., Carbn-s., Op.

Death apparent; gas poisoning, from (4): acon., bell., Lobin., op.

Keynote Materia Medica

Aconite (Acon.)

Suddenly falls down senseless; turns suddenly red and falls unconscious; skin hot and dry.

Ammonium Carbonicum (Am-c.)

Loses breath when falling asleep, must awaken to get breath; threatening paralysis of the brain.

Arnica Montana (Arn.)

First remedy if no other remedy is clearly indicated; relieves suffocation and prevents shock and collapse.

Belladonna (Bell.)

Heat, redness, throbbing and burning; rush of blood to the head and face; redness of the eyes, and dilated pupils.

Bovista (Bov.)

Vacant, thoughtless. staring into space. General puffiness; bloated condition of body surface, which produces easy indentations on pressure. Frequent violent alternations of colour of face.

Carbo Vegetabilis (Carb-v.)

Last stages of disease with copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue; the "corpse reviver".

Carboneum Sulphuratum (Carbn-s.)

Lack of vital heat, cold cheeks, hands, and feet; absence of sweat; sunken eyes, with grey rings, fixed, expressionless.

Opium (Op.)

Hot sweat over whole body except lower limbs; face, distorted, flushed, red, bloated, swollen, livid, pale, earthy; eyes half-closed, dilated pupils, insensible or contracted pupils.

Gases and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

For the treatment of ailments from gases and carbon monoxide poisoning refer to the 20 remedies below. The 12 most important remedies have been presented with their keynote symptoms. A core group of 8 remedies are the same used to treat asphyxia.


INTOXICATION, after; gases, carbon monoxide (20): acet-ac., acon., am-c., Arn., bell., Bov., carb-v., Carbn-s., Caust., coff., Glon., ip., lach., lyc., lycpr., Op., phos., Puls., Sec., sul-ac.

Carbon gas poisoning: act-ac., acon., am-c., bell., bry., carb-v., lach., op., phos.

Coal gas: acet-ac., am-c., arn., bell., bor., bov., carbn-s., carb-v., coff., ip., lach., op., phos., sec.

Coal vapor: arn., bell., bov., ip., op.,

Charcoal vapor; arn, am-c., bov.

Keynote Materia Medica

Aconite (Acon.)

Great fear, anxiety and restlessness, thinks they are going to die; skin dry and hot.

Arnica Montana (Arn.)

Prevention of trauma, shock and collapse, fears approach; says he is fine.

Ammonium Carbonicum (Am-c.)

Pressive sensation of fulness in the forehead as from coal-gas.

Belladonna (Bell.)

Red face, wild eyes, throbbing brain, rush of blood to the head and face; violent delirium.

Bovista (Bov.)

Antidotes suffocation from gas; great oppression of breathing especially on going up even a few steps.

Carbo Vegetabilis (Carb-v.)

Cold with cold sweat, vital powers exhausted, wants to be fanned; affected by hot air inhaled from fire.

Carboneum Sulphuratum (Carbn-s.)

Breathing difficult, only better by breathing deeply in open air; breath hot.

Causticum (Caust.)

Droopy eyelids; rawness and soreness, cough, hoarseness, chest; intense sympathy.

Glonoinum (Glon.)

Terrific shocks in the head, throbbing, pulsating headache, holds head with hands.

Opium (Op.)

Great sopor, painlessness, complains of nothing, wants nothing; unconscious.

Pulsatilla (Pul.)

Weeps easily, symptoms ever changing; discharge thick, bland yellowish-green discharge; thirstless.

Secale (Sec.)

Skin cold to the touch, yet the patient cannot tolerate covering; icy coldness of extremities.

Smoke Inhalation

The symptoms of smoke inhalation include coughing with mucus, which may be clear, grey or black depending on the volume of burned particles in the trachea and lungs. There can be shortness of breath with difficulty breathing due to edema of the air passageways. There can be hoarseness or noisy breathing due to swelling and tightening of the upper airways. Fluids may collect in airways causing blockage. There can be headache due to the carbon monoxide, which can cause nausea and vomiting. Irritation of the eyes causing redness and lachrymation is common. Swollen nostrils and nasal passages with soot in the nose and throat may occur. The skin color may appear pale, bluish or bright red due to carbon monoxide poisoning. Changes in the sensorium include confusion, decreased alertness, fainting, seizures and coma. For various states of unconsciousness and their causes, please refer to First Aid Room - Unconsciousness.

Exposure to wildfires includes substantial concentrated amounts of PM2.5. These tiny particles produced by wildfires are 10 times more harmful than similar particulate matter found in air pollution. This can cause both short-term effects like irritation of the eyes, nose and throat, coughing, sneezing and shortness of breath. Long term effects aggravate problems like allergies, asthma, COPD, heart disease. Prolonged exposure can lead to lung inflammation and impaired lung function that lasts long after the wildfire. Poor quality of air can cause cardiovascular disease, including strokes, heart attacks, heart failure and atrial fibrillation. Children and old people are especially susceptible to symptoms. If necessary, wear a mask and, if possible, an N95 mask. Minimize exercise and work that causes one to breathe heavier. Drink lots of fresh water, eat healthy food, and increase intake of antioxidants. Sniff salty water, use the saline nasal spray or, if possible, use the Neti pot used in yoga to wash out the sinuses.

Wildfires produce significant toxic smoke and other pollutants that can affect the health of human beings. The ash after wild fires frequently contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Smoke from wildfires contain thousands of chemical compounds, including carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. The major toxin is carbon monoxide, but the smoke also contains ammonia, sulphur dioxide, chlorine and cyanide.


SMOKE INJURIES, smoke inhalation (12): bry., calc., caust., carb-v., Euph., Euphr., nat-m., nux-v., olnd., Sep., Spig., sulph.

Comparative Materia Medica (Source: Boericke)

Bryonia [Bry.] - Bryonia alba. Wild hops. Cucurbitaceae

Exceedingly IRRITABLE; everything puts him out of humor. Delirium; wants to go home. TALKS OF BUSINESS. PAINS STITCHING, TEARING; WORSE BY MOTION, BETTER REST; are found everywhere, but especially in the chest. MUCOUS MEMBRANES ARE ALL DRY. Vertigo, nausea, faintness on rising, confusion. BURSTING, SPLITTING HEADACHE, as if everything would be pressed out; as if hit by a hammer from within; worse from motion, stooping, opening eyes. LIPS PARCHED, DRY, CRACKED. DRYNESS OF MOUTH, TONGUE, AND THROAT, WITH EXCESSIVE THIRST. Cough, dry, at night; MUST SIT UP; WORSE AFTER EATING OR DRINKING, with vomiting, WITH STITCHES IN CHEST. < Warmth; MOTION; morning; eating; hot weather; exertion; touch. Cannot sit up; gets faint and sick. > Lying on PAINFUL SIDE, PRESSURE, REST, COLD THINGS. Chronic complementary, Nat-m.

Calcarea carbonica [Calc.] - Calcarea Ostrearum. Carbonate of Lime, Ca CO3.

Timid, insecure, slow, flabby, sweaty, pale, weak and cold. FEARS LOSS OF REASON, MISFORTUNE. Feels that he is persecuted. Headache, with cold hands and feet. MUCH PERSPIRATION, WETS THE PILLOW. Itching of eyelids, swollen, scurfy. NOSTRILS SORE, ULCERATED. Stoppage of nose, also with fetid, yellow discharge. SWELLING OF TONSILS and submaxillary glands. Tickling cough, fleeting chest pains. Longing for fresh air. Expectoration only during the day; thick, yellow, sour mucus. PAINLESS HOARSENESS; worse in the morning. SUFFOCATING SPELLS; tightness, burning and soreness in chest. < From exertion, mental or physical; ascending; cold in every form; water; standing. > Dry climate and weather; lying on painful side.

Carbo vegetabilis [Carb-v.] - Vegetable Charcoal. C (impure).

ANXIETY; anticipating an engagement, for others, about health, about health of relatives, and about future. Sluggish, fat and lazy. A lowered vital power from loss of fluids. Patient faints easily, is worn out, and must have fresh air. Burning in eyes. HOARSENESS; WORSE, EVENINGS, talking; evening oppression of breathing, sore and raw chest. Wheezing and rattling of mucus in chest. Occasional spells of long coughing attacks. COUGH, WITH BURNING IN CHEST; worse in evening, in open air, after eating and talking. DYSPNEA < WHILE LYING; WANTS DOORS AND WINDOWS OPEN; > FROM ERUCTATIONS. AIR HUNGER. THE SIMPLEST FOOD DISTRESSES; WITH ERUCTATIONS, HEAVINESS, FULLNESS, AND SLEEPINESS. < From fat food; warm damp weather; WINE. > From eructation; FROM FANNING.

Causticum [Caust.] - Hahnemann's Tinctura acris sine Kali. Potassium Hydrate.

Excessively sympathetic, with sadness, weeping, cannot bear the hardships of others. In catarrhal affections of the air passages, and indicated in dark-complexioned and rigid-fibered persons. Ailments from long-lasting grief, sudden emotions. Inflammation of eyelids; ulceration. Nostrils ulcerated. Catarrhal affections of the air passages. CORYZA, WITH HOARSENESS. COUGH WITH RAW SORENESS OF CHEST. Mucus under sternum, which he cannot QUITE REACH. < Dry, cold winds; in CLEAR FINE weather; COLD AIR. > In DAMP, WET WEATHER; WARMTH; heat of bed. Complementary Carb-v.

Euphorbium [Euph.] - Spurge-The Resinous Juice of Euphorbia Resinifera. Euphorbiacae.

Mild, introverted, earnest, solemn and reserved. Acute mania. An irritant to the skin and mucous membranes. Terrible burning pains. Important respiratory and skin symptoms. Violent, pressive headache. Spasmodic, dry cough, day and night, with asthma. Violent, fluent coryza, with burning and cough. Breathing oppressed as if chest were not wide enough. Constant cough, with stitches from pit of stomach to sides of chest. Ailments from wood smoke and forest fires. <: Sitting; rest; beginning of motion; mercury; touch. >: Application of oil; cold applications; motion. Most symptoms are worse at night and in morning. Heat worse; cold applications better.

Euphrasia [Euphr.] - Eye bright. Scrofulariaceae.

Profuse ACRID lachrymation and bland coryza; worse, evening. Catarrhal affections of mucous membranes especially of eyes and nose. CATARRHAL HEADACHE, with profuse discharge from eyes and nose. THE EYES WATER ALL THE TIME. Burning and swelling of the lids. Frequent inclination to blink. Free discharge of acrid matter. PROFUSE, FLUENT CORYZA, with violent cough and abundant expectoration. Interruption of breath, no cough, from wood smoke. < From wood smoke. > From coffee; in dark.

Natrum muriaticum [Nat-m.] - Chloride of Sodium. Common Salt. NaCl.

Sadness, loss, grief, weeping, depressed < consolation. Irritable; gets into a passion about trifles. Awkward, hasty. Wants to be alone to cry. Tears with laughter. GREAT WEAKNESS AND WEARINESS. DRY MUCOUS MEMBRANES. BLINDING headache. Aches as if a thousand little hammers were knocking on the brain, in the morning on awakening, from SUNRISE TO SUNSET. TEARS STREAM DOWN FACE ON COUGHING. (EUPH). Lachrymation, burning and acrid. VIOLENT, FLUENT CORYZA; discharge thin and watery, LIKE RAW WHITE OF EGG. Stitches all over chest. Cough, with bursting pain in head. < Noise; music; warm room; lying down; about ten AM; at seashore; mental exertion; consolation; HEAT; talking. > Open air; cold bathing; going without regular meal; lying on right side; pressure against back; tight clothing. Biochemic Cell Salt for prevention and treatment: Nat-m. 6X. Complementary to SEPIA. Compare, as if smoke was inhaled; hypersensitive to smoke, can't even be near bonfires, with very dry and red eyes: Nat-ars.

Nux vomica [Nux-v.] - Poison-nut. Loganiaceae

Over sensitive, angry, critical, fault finding, business worries, substance abuse. Feels persecuted and pursued by enemies. IRRITABLE, nervous system, hypersensitive and over impressionable, CANNOT BEAR NOISES, ODORS, LIGHT, ETC. Headache in occiput or over eyes, with VERTIGO; brain feels turning in a circle. Frontal headache, with desire to press the head against something, Smarting, dry sensation in inner canthi. Infra-orbital neuralgia, with watering of eyes. ROUGH, SCRAPED FEELING in the throat. Coryza; fluent in daytime; STUFFED UP AT NIGHT AND OUTDOORS; or alternates between nostrils. SHALLOW RESPIRATION. OPPRESSED BREATHING. < Morning; mental exertion; after eating; touch. > From a nap, if allowed to finish it; in evening; while at rest.

Oleander [Olnd.] - Nerium Odorum, Rose-laurel. Apocynaceae

Poetic, daydreamer, absent minded, impractical, dependant on others. Has a marked action on the skin, heart and nervous system, Dull, unable to think. Eyes water on reading. Oppression as from a weight; asthmatic when lying down. Aggravation as from smoke, as if from acrid fumes. PALPITATION, with weakness and empty feeling in chest. Dyspnoea. Obtuse stitches in chest. < Undressing; rest; friction of clothes. Compare: NAT-M; CAUST.

Sepia [Sep.] - Inky Juice of Cuttlefish. Cephalopoda.

Overworked, exhausted, withdrawn, indifferent, easily victimized > strong exercise. INDIFFERENT to those loved best. Weeps when telling symptoms. FEELS COLD even in warm room. Aggravation of eye troubles morning and evening. THICK, GREENISH DISCHARGE from the nose; thick plugs and crusts. Dyspnoea; worse, after sleep; better, rapid motion. Cough in morning, with profuse expectoration, tasting salty. Cough excited by tickling in larynx or chest. < Smoke inhalation, forenoons and evenings; washing; left side; after sweat; cold air. > BY EXERCISE; pressure; warmth of bed; drawing limbs up; cold bathing; after sleep. Complementary Nat-m., Phos.

Spigelia [Spig.] - Pink root. Loganiacae.

Cheerful but when nervous becomes easily offended and mistrustful. Marked effect on eye, heart, and nervous system. VERY SENSITIVE TO TOUCH. PARTS FEEL CHILLY; SEND SHUDDER THROUGH FRAME. PAIN FROM BENEATH FRONTAL EMINENCE AND TEMPLES, EXTENDING TO EYES. SEVERE PAIN IN AND AROUND EYES, EXTENDING DEEP INTO SOCKET. Forepart of nose always dry; DISCHARGE THROUGH POSTERIOR NARES. CHRONIC CATARRH, with post-nasal dropping of bland mucus. DYSPNOEA; MUST LIE ON RIGHT SIDE WITH HEAD HIGH. < Smoke inhalation; from touch; motion; noise; turning; washing; concussion. > Inspiring. Compare: ARNICA (Spigelia is a chronic Arnica).

Sulphur [Sulph.] - Brimstone. Sublimated Sulphur, S

Unconventional, untidy, dirty, full of theories, over heated and itchy. Feels persecuted. WHEN CAREFULLY-SELECTED REMEDIES FAIL TO ACT, ESPECIALLY IN ACUTE DISEASES. COMPLAINTS THAT RELAPSE.Constant HEAT ON TOP OF HEAD. Beating headache; worse, stooping, and with vertigo. BURNING ulceration of margin of lids. Heat and BURNING IN EYES. Burning, redness and dryness of throat. DIFFICULT RESPIRATION; WANTS WINDOWS OPEN. Loose cough; worse talking, morning, greenish, purulent, sweetish expectoration. MUCH RATTLING OF MUCUS. SKIN DRY, SCALY, UNHEALTHY; EVERY LITTLE INJURY SUPPURATES. Skin ITCHING, BURNING; WORSE SCRATCHING AND WASHING. < At rest; when standing; WARMTH IN BED; washing; bathing; in morning; eleven AM; night; from alcoholic stimulants; periodically. > DRY, WARM WEATHER; lying on right side; from drawing up affected limbs. Compare: ACON. (Sulph. often follows in acute diseases).

Shock, Trauma and Grief

A major component of all emergencies is the psychological and physiological acute stress response of the individual. In most situations, the first remedy to be given in an emergency is Arnica to prevent shock and collapse and to assist in the removal of trauma. The next most important acute emergency remedy is Aconite which is given for fear, fright, panic and fear of dying. Arnica thinks they are fine even when they are seriously injured while Aconite thinks they is going to die even if they are not seriously injured. These remedies are complementary and can be followed up by remedies for the specific conditions according to the symptoms, time and circumstances. Use homoeopathic remedies along with any medicines used by the emergency medical services. Three important components of the acute reaction are physical and mental shock, trauma and grief. These remedies are also appropriate for those loved ones close to the individual who has been injured. The following study presents the most common remedies for these conditions.


Mental Shock, Trauma and Grief: Acon., Arn., Aur., Caust., Gels., Ign., Nat-m., Op., Ph-ac. Staph.

Bad news causes ailments: Acon., Arn., Caust., Gel., Ign., Nat-m., Ph-ac., Staph.

Death of loved ones or friends: Caust., Ign., Nat-m., Staph.

Death of a child, parent or friend; Staph.

Death, children exposed to death: Staph.

Distress and apprehension at the memory of a former accident: Gel.

Fear of, and shock from financial ruin: Arn.

Fear of poverty, will not be able to support his family: Staph.

Fear on the approach of others: Arn.

Fear, fright, horror, with great restlessness: Acon.

Fear, overpowering, with fatigue: Gels.

Flashbacks of the incident: Op.

Fright, acute: Acon., Arn., Caust., Gels., Ign., Op., Ph-ac.

Financial shock, loss of wealth and property: Arn., Aur., Ign.

Grief, acute: Arn., Aur., Caust., Gels., Ign., Nat-m., Ph-ac.

Grief, can't get over the sorrow: follows Ign.: Nat-m.

Grief with great apathy with weakness and drowsiness: Ph-ac.

Grief, great depression and loss with suicidal ideation: Aur.

Grief after a fright: Ign., Op.

Overwhelmed by the suffering of others: Caust.

Panic: Acon.

Persecuted: Aur., Ign., Nat-m., Op., Staph.

Pursued by enemies: Aur.

Shock and collapse, to prevent: Arn.

Exposure To Multiple Toxins From Smoke, Fumes And Ash

Community and Urban Fires

When fire affects a whole community, houses, businesses and industrial sites, it involves 100s of toxic chemicals. Fires burn buildings that contain construction materials, flooring, insulation, synthetic textiles, plastic articles, plastic water pipes, rubber, solvents, paint, metals, and pressure-treated wood. The burning of these synthetic materials like rubber, plastic and foam can cause house fire cyanide poisoning. When automobiles and other mechanical equipment are burnt, they may explode spreading petrochemicals and heavy metals. The smoke, fumes and ash are full of toxic heavy metals like lead, arsenic, mercury, chromium, copper, cadmium, manganese, nickel, tin, zinc as well as asbestos and other dangerous contaminants.

The toxins include benzene, styrene, and naphthalene in water lines. Benzene is a carcinogen that causes reproductive health problems and blood disorders such as leukemia and anemia. Volatile and semi-volatile chemicals can contaminate damaged water lines even when benzene and other better-known chemicals are not present. There are also carcinogens like methylene chloride and tetrahydrofuran.

Petrochemicals and Heavy Metals

Around 66.6% of petroleum products are used in transportation, 27.5% in industry, 2.8% in residential, 2.5% in commercial and 0.6% in electric power. 14% of petroleum is used to make plastics found in packaging, electronics, building materials, household goods, etc. Over 60 % of textile fibers are synthetics that are derived from petrochemicals. Burning plastic can release pollutants like microplastics, bisphenols, and phthalates that can disrupt neurodevelopment, endocrine, and reproductive function.

Exposure to high levels of heavy metals, petrochemicals, plastics and other toxins can cause immediate symptoms such as anxiety, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, rashes and inflammation of the eyes, nose and respiratory issues. Chronic conditions include psychological and neurological disorders; neurodevelopmental disorders; endocrine disruption; autoimmune disorders; immunodeficiency diseases; increased risk of cancer; declining fertility, and systems, organs and tissue disorders.


The following repertory rubric contains 27 remedies that may be useful in the treatment of multiple toxins found in smoke, fumes and ash from fires. This index of remedies is complemented by a comparative materia medica containing 11 broadband homoeopathic remedies. These are Ars., Benz., Carb-v., Chin., Hep., Iod., Merc., Nux-v., Petro., Phos., Sulph. These remedies should be useful in the majority of cases. Some of the remedies in the list also have isopathic relationships with specific toxins. These are Ars., Alum., Benz., Cadm., Cupr., Ferr., Kali-b., Merc., Petr., Plb., Sulph., Zinc. For more information on all these remedies, please refer to the Homoeopathic Materia Medica.

Exposure to Multiple Toxins from Smoke, Fumes and Ash (27): Ars., Alum., Alumn., Benz., Cadm., Carb-s., Carb-v., Caust., Chin., Cupr., Ferr., Graph., Hep., Iod., Kali-i., Kali-b., Lach., Merc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Petr., Plb., Phos., Plat., Sulph., Verat., Zinc.

Materia Medica (Multiple Sources)

Arsenicum album [Ars.] - The white oxide of Metallic Arsenic. AS2 O3.

Useful in poisoning by arsenic, iron, lead, mercury, petrochemicals and other heavy metals and chemicals.

Locations include: Mucous Membranes. Mind. Respiration. Lungs, Right Apex. Blood. Heart. Nerves. Digestion. Spleen. Lymphatics. Muscles. Skin. Serous Cavities. Organs.

The Arsenicum patient is extremely anxious and restless at the same time extremely weak. Rigid, fixed, judgmental, fastidious, controlling, domineering, demanding and dogmatic. They see the world as threatening, intimidating, menacing and nerve racking and fears others will try take advantage of their progressively increasing unstable situation. He is vexed at every trifle, and cannot stop talking about the faults of others. Paranoid, imagines conspiracies against him, that he is persecuted, pursued by enemies and being watched.

In general, great thirst for cold water; drinks often, but little at a time; eats seldom, but much. Burning pains; the affected parts burn like fire, as if hot coals were applied to parts, > by heat, hot drinks, hot applications. Burning in eyes, with acrid lachrymation. Expectoration scanty, frothy, darting pain through upper third of right lung. Wheezing respiration. Vomiting of what has been eaten or drunken, or of black matter with it. Diarrhoea, after eating or drinking; stool scanty dark-colored, offensive, followed by great prostration. < Cold, ices and drinks; cold foods; cold air. > From heat of all complaints except headache, which is temporarily relieved by cold bathing. Family: Ars-i. Complements: carb-v., chin., phos., sulph.

Benzinum [Benz.] - Coal Naphtha. Benzene. C6 H6

Homoeopaths of old studied Benzene, which is a product of distillation from coal tar, a petrochemical. They recorded the poisoning symptoms and were well aware that it was a carcinogen and could cause leukemia. If a person has the symptoms of Benzinum, they may have benzene poisoning. A decrease of red and increase of white cells. Leucaemia and leukemia. This remedy can be used isopathically as a homoeopathic antidote to benzene, styrene and naphthalene poisoning.

The symptoms of benzene include profound disturbance of mind and body, weeping at trifles, despairing of recovery, and extremely irritable and fault-finding. Dizzy. A great white hand seemed to appear to him in the darkness, coming outspread towards his face, causing him in terror to scream for the watcher. Could not turn eyes upward, or to one side without severe aching and throbbing. Marked dilation of pupils. Failure to react to light, esp. daylight. Profuse fluent coryza. Tongue parched and brown. Painful round white ulcers in the mouth, especially on inside of cheeks. Hot and very offensive breath. Every few days continual, dry, hacking cough. Extreme thirst, for ice-water, satisfied with a sip, but wanting it again directly.

Continual soreness to pressure in abdominal walls. Pains: Severe, in testicles. Continual aching and throbbing in lumbar region, worse by a full inspiration. Continual soreness and aching in muscles of upper arm. For three nights, before the sweating began, complete insomnia, with unpleasant thoughts crowding the mind, and wide-open eyes, before which photopic (in bright light) illusions floated continually. For several nights copious, general, warm sweat toward morning, very exhausting, followed on several succeeding mornings by sweat only on breast, on side not lain upon, and in axillae. < Night. Right side. Compare: Bry. (Worse motion, moving eyes), Benz-n., Benz-d-n. (amblyopia and disorders of vision); Sulph. (Symptoms go from below upward).

Carbo vegetabilis [Carb-v.] - Vegetable Charcoal. C (impure).

Useful in poisoning by arsenic, mercury, petrochemicals, carbon gas, carbon monoxide, coal gas, smoke and other heavy metals and chemicals.

Locations include: Mucous Membranes. Digestive Tract. Stomach. Heart: Venous, Circulation, Blood. Occiput.

The patient becomes slow to think and act and progressively more sluggish, stupid and lazy. They just want to lie down and sleep. The patient becomes more indifferent, apathetic and unresponsive. Memory feeble, flow of ideas slow, tendency to fixed ideas. Very irritable, excitable and inclined to anger. Peevish, wrathful, child wishes to vent itself in rage, strikes, kicks, bites.

In the last stages of disease, with copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost. Bad effects from the loss of fluids. They feel collapsed, cold and dead as a cadaver yet may have burning, flushes of heat, and glowing like hot coals. Dyspnea: < while lying; wants doors and windows open; > from eructation. Air hunger. Desire to be constantly fanned. Weak digestion: simplest food disagrees; excessive accumulation of gas in stomach and intestines < lying down. < Warmth; depletions; cooling off; exhausting disease; old age. > Cool air; elevating feet. Family: carb-ac., carb-an.,carbn-s, graph. Complements: ars., chin., phos.

China officinalis [Chin.] - Peruvian bark. Rubiacae. Tincture of the dried bark.

Useful in poisoning by arsenic iron, mercury, lead, petrochemicals and other heavy metals and chemicals.

Locations include: Head; Vital Fluids; Digestion; Blood; Lungs.

For stout, swarthy persons; for systems, once robust, which have become debilitated, "broken down" from exhausting discharges; apathetic, indifferent, taciturn; despondent, gloomy, has no desire to live, but lacks courage to commit suicide. Face pale, hippocratic; eyes sunken and surrounded by blue margins; pale, sickly expression as after excesses. Fixed idea that he is unhappy, persecuted, pursued by enemies. There is periodicity of complaints and alternating states; cheerfulness alternating with moroseness; happiness alternating with shouting.

Great debility, trembling, aversion to exercise; sensitive to touch, to pain, to drafts of air; entire nervous system extremely sensitive. Ailments from loss of vital fluids especially hemorrhages, excessive lactation, diarrhoea, suppuration; the sweat is generally profuse and exhaustive. Headache: as if the skull would burst; intense throbbing of head and carotids, face flushed; from occiput over whole head; < sitting or lying, must stand or walk; after hemorrhage or sexual excesses. Suffocative catarrh; rattling in chest; violent, hacking cough after every meal. Excessive flatulence of stomach and bowels; fermentation, borborygmus, belching gives no relief, < after eating fruit. < Vital losses; on waking; after waking; company; consolation; after eating; during sweat; touch; periodically, every other day. > Hard pressure; loose clothes; bending double. Family: Chin-ars., chin-s.

Hepar [Hep.] - Hepar sulphuris calcareum.

Useful in poisoning by arsenic, iron, lead, mercury, petrochemicals and other heavy metals and chemicals.

Locations include: Nerves. Connective Tissue. Respiratory Membranes. Flexures. Glands. Kidneys. Skin. Bridge of Nose.

For torpid lymphatic constitutions; persons with light hair and complexion, yellow complexion, slow to act, muscles soft and flabby. Scrofulous and lymphatic constitutions who are inclined to have eruptions and glandular swellings. Touchy, mentally and physically, to pain, cold, easily becomes cross and violent. Oversensitive to everything in body and mind. Wrathful irritability, even to most extreme violence, threatening to end in murder and arson.

Inflammation ending in suppuration. Every hurt festers, suppuration threatens, or much thick pus. Splinter-like pains. Locally, it has special affinity to the respiratory mucous membrane, producing croupous catarrhal inflammation, profuse secretion; easy perspiration. Cough; when any part of the body is uncovered; croupy, choking, strangling; from exposure to cold, dry wind; asthma: breathing, anxious, wheezing, rattling; short, deep breathing threatens suffocation; must bend head back and sit up; after suppressed eruption. Boils or abscesses, where there is much throbbing and sticking in them. < Cold, dry air; least uncovering; least touch; mercury. > Heat, warm wraps; heat to head; heat, moist; damp weather. Family: Sulphates. Complements: iod.

Iodium [Iod.] - Iodine. An element.

Useful in poisoning by arsenic, iron, lead, mercury, petrochemicals and other heavy metals and chemicals.

Locations include: Glands: Thyroid, testes, mesenteric, mammae. Mucous Membranes: Larynx, lungs (right Apex of base). Heart, Blood-vessels. Skin. Nerves. Connective tissue.

Exceedingly thin, dark complexioned, with enlarged lymphatic glands; weak and rapidly losing flesh, even with good appetite; only feels well while eating. Driven, impatient, impulsive, brash and restless and must constantly be on the move and always demand some sort of action.

Hyperthyroid. Enlargement of the thyroid gland or goiter. Overheated in body and mind. Trembling of limb or whole body. Abnormal vasoconstriction, capillary congestion followed by oedema, ecchymosis, hemorrhages, and nutritive disturbances. Sensation as if the heart was squeezed together; as if grasped with an iron hand. < Heat; fasting; rest. > Cold; eating. Family Ars-i.

Mercurius [Merc.] - Mercurius solubilis Hahnemann. 2(NH Hg2) NO3H2O.

Useful in poisoning by arsenic, iron, lead, mercury, copper fumes, petrochemicals and other heavy metals and chemicals.

Locations include: Blood. Mucous Membranes. Glands: buccal, Salivary, Tonsils, Throat, Lymphatics, liver, Kidneys, Mucous. Genitals. Cellular tissues. Joints. Right side. Bones. Skin.

Inexpressible pain of soul and body, anxious restlessness, as if some evil impended, worse at night, with precordial anguish, sweat of hands and heat of face, disgusted with himself, has not courage to live, constant suspicion, considering everybody his enemy. The patient thinks in terms of guilt, sin and punishment and is plagued by anxiety of conscience. Paranoid, everyone is an enemy. he is persecuted and pursued by enemies.

This remedy is a human "thermometer" that is sensitive to both heat and cold. Profuse perspiration attends nearly every complaint, but does not relieve; may even increase the suffering. Breath and excretions of the body smell foul. Glandular swellings with or without suppuration, but especially if suppuration be too profuse; ulcerations; of the mucous membranes esp. of mouth and throat. Weakness and weariness of limbs; sore, bruised; weakness and ebullitions and trembling from the least exertion. < Night; sweating; when heated, heat and cold. > Coition; moderate temperature; rest.

Nux vomica [Nux-v.] - Strychnos Nux vomica. Poison nut. Loganiacae.

Useful in poisoning by arsenic, iron, lead, mercury, copper fumes, smoke, petrochemicals and other heavy metals and chemicals.

Locations include: Cerebro-Spinal Axis. Nerves. Digestive Organs: Stomach, Liver, Bowels. Respiratory Organs.

Nux is chiefly successful with persons of an ardent character; of an irritable, impatient temperament, disposed to anger, spite or deception. Persons who are very particular, careful, but inclined to become easily excited or angered; irascible and tenacious. Illnesses from bad news, cares and worries, in men worn out by business cares, business failure, loss of job, financial loss, they feel cheated for money or position. Oversensitive to impressions upon the senses, noise, smell, light and music, and the most trifling symptoms are unbearable, every harmless word offends, every little noise frightens, anxious and beside themselves, cannot bear even the smallest amount of suitable medicine. He is persecuted and pursued by enemies.

Vertigo, with tendency to fall sideways. Headache: < in the morning from mental exertion, exercising in the open air, after eating or from wine, or coffee; > in the warm room and from sitting quietly, or lying down. Constipation; with frequent unsuccessful desire, with anxiety, passing small quantities of feces; sensation as if not finished; > for a time after stool. Cannot keep from falling asleep in the evening while sitting or reading hours before bedtime, and awakes at 3 or 4 AM; falls into a dreamy sleep at daybreak from which he is hard to arouse, and then feels tired and weak. < Early morning; cold open air; uncovering; high living; sedentary life style. > Free discharges; naps; wrapping head; resting; hot drinks.

Petroleum [Petr.] - Oleum petrae. Rock-oil.

Petroleum is the basis 0f more than 6,000 items in everyday use in our homes, in industry, manufacturing and agriculture. Some examples of common products made with petrochemicals include plastics, televisions, computers, cell phones, soaps and detergents, drugs and food additives, synthetic fibers, paint and building materials, fertilizers, pesticides, automobiles, airplanes, etc. Petroleum and natural gas derivatives include gasoline, diesel, ethylene, propylene, acetylene, benzene, toluene, methane and propane. When these chemicals are involved in spillages, leakages, explosions and fires, they spread toxins that contaminate the earth, air, water, animals and human beings. As petroleum is the mother of all petrochemical products, it may be useful as a homoeopathic cum isopathic remedy for the detoxification of petrochemicals. This is especially the case when the symptoms are witnessed in the individual.

Petroleum is useful in lead poisoning and contamination by petrochemicals.

Locations include: Occiput. Skin: folds, scalp, face, genitals. Mucous membranes. Stomach. Bowels.

Excitable, irritable, with inclination to be angry and to scold, anxious and irresolute. Irritable, quarrelsome disposition (Nux). Offended at trifles. There is confusion of identity and a sense of duality or multiple personalities, in which they may even feel like three persons. They may appear as a flatterer, toady or sycophant that acts overly respectful and admiring toward the person they wish to impress.

Vertigo in occiput with nausea when stooping or when rising from a recumbent position. Headache: in occiput; which is as heavy as lead. Chronic foetid discharge from the ear. Humid soreness behind the ear. Gastralgia whenever stomach is empty; > by constant eating. Ravenous appetite or canine hunger with diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, always in the daytime. Cracking of the joints. Heat and burning of soles of feet and palms of hands. Skin dry, constricted, very sensitive, rough and cracked, leathery, < in winter, > in summer. < Motion, cars, boat; cold weather, winter; eating; vexation; when fasting; during pregnancy; from touch. > Warm air; at night; in summer; after eating; from lying with the head high. Compare: Graph., Naph., Paraf., Kreos., and other Carbons.

Phosphorus [Phos.] - The Element. P.

Useful in poisoning by arsenic, carbon gas, coal gas, petrochemicals and other heavy metals and chemicals.

Locations include: Cavities: Head, Lungs, heart. Circulation: blood, Blood-Vessels, Arteries. Mucous Membranes: Stomach, Bowels, lungs (Lower). Nerves: brain, spinal cord. Bones: Jaw, upper; Shin; spine. Liver.

Adapted to tall slender persons of lively, friendly, outgoing temperament, fair skin, bright eyes, delicate eyelashes, fine, blond, or red hair, quick perceptions, and very sensitive nature. Does not like to be alone. Sickly face, earthy, sunken and pale, in those suffering a serious lung complaint or from deep-seated constitutional conditions. Anxiety and restlessness, with much sweat on the forehead and heat in the head. Sooner or later, they burn out from over activity. From being the brightest of the bright they may become the dullest. Great apathy, so that the patient was almost unwilling to talk.

Burning of mind and body; in chest, in lungs; of every organ and tissue of the body; generally, in diseases of nervous system. Heaviness of the chest; cough on going from warm to cold air < from talking, drinking, eating, lying on the left side. Cannot talk, the larynx is so painful; is dry, raw, rough and sore. Bleeds easily. < Slight causes; emotions: cold open air; sudden changes in weather; thunderstorms; mental fatigue. > Eating; after sleep; cold food; cold water; rubbing; sitting up; lying on right side.

Sulphur [Sulph.] - Brimstone.

Useful in poisoning by arsenic, iron, lead, mercury, smoke, petrochemicals and other heavy metals and chemicals.

Locations include: Circulation: Venous, portal, abdomen. Nutritive Organs. Membranes: mucous, serous. Rectum. Chest. Skin, folds. Vertex. Soles. Joints. Glands.

The Sulphur patient is a lean, lank, hungry, dyspeptic person with stoop shoulders, yet sometimes given to fat, rotund, well-fed people. Disheveled and unconventional in their dress and presentation; constantly speculating about religious, philosophical, political, and scientific subjects; long, uncut hair and dirty looking face and clothes. Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin affections; aversion to being washed: always < after a bath. Feels persecuted. Skin: itching, voluptuous; scratching > "feels good to scratch"; scratching causes burning; < from heat of bed; soreness in folds.

Overheated mentally and physically. Ebullitions of heat, dislike of water, dry and hard hair and skin, red orifices, sinking feeling at stomach about 11 AM, and cat-nap sleep. Constant heat on vertex; cold feet in daytime, with burning soles at night, wants to find a cool place for them; puts them out of bed to cool them off. < At rest; when standing; suppressions; bathing; heated, by exertion, in bed; atmospheric changes; from touch; in closed room; alcohol. > Open air; during motion; on walking; in dry, warm weather; dry heat; warm applications; sweating; return of old symptoms.

Hazards during Recovery and Clean Up

Returning to the household has its own inherent dangers after fire. Workers and residents should wear protective clothing, close-toed shoes, hard hat, goggles or glasses, chemically resistant gloves and other protective equipment while inspecting property and cleaning up debris. One should wear a face mask, preferably an N 95 respirator because of poor air quality. Damaged homes are extremely dangerous and are riddled with sharp debris, broken glass and nails that can cause scratches, cuts and puncture wounds. There is a danger of falling down or being hit by falling objects which can cause factures, blunt force injuries, bruises and concussions. There can be can be danger from damaged natural gas containers and leaky gas lines. There may be broken power lines and shorted wiring in the house which can cause electric shocks and electrocution. One must be sure that the power is switched off. Move around the building carefully and slowly with full awareness.

Please refer to First Aid Room for information on the following conditions: Bruises, Electrocution and shocks, Eye injuries, Fractures, Head injuries, Wounds and cuts; part one, Wounds and cuts, infected; part two.


It is very important to prepare for emergencies in advance. Read the article a few times and get familiar with the remedies and their symptoms. Also review the procedures for the emergency management of each particular crisis. This includes making sure that one has all the remedies for an emergency on hand as well as the sundries like brandy, vials, bottles, droppers and spoons for the administration of the remedy. As we have discussed, the two best potencies for first aid are the 30C and 200C potencies. During an emergency time is of the essence. It is sometimes expedient to give the first dose dry and then make up a remedy solution bottle in an appropriate form. If the oral tract is compromised, one can give the liquid remedy by olfaction (smelling) or by rubbing the remedy on the lips or the skin as needed.

Please refer to the Little Library at David Little's website at simillium.com for articles that provide information on dose potency and repetition. Here are some recommend articles:

Hahnemann's Advanced Methods

Dose and Potency in the Organon

Solutions Large and Small

The Minimum Dose

The most important advice about emergencies is that Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Cure and Be Prepared!

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