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© David Little 1996-2023, all rights reserved.
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A stroke is cause by an interruption of the blood supply to the brain. The source of the trouble is the narrowing of an artery (atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis), a blood clot (cerebral thrombosis), or the rupturing of an artery (cerebral hemorrhage) leading to the brain. This staves the brain of blood and oxygen leading to the death of brain cells. The symptoms include a sudden headache, sudden paralysis, weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg on one side of the body, loss or slurring of speech, mental confusion, impaired vision, different sizes of the pupils of the eyes, difficulty breathing and talking, loss of bladder and bowel control, and a sudden fall and unconsciousness. The first priorities are to check the airways passages, the respiration and the heart beat. Clear the air passages of any mucus and make sure the tongue has not fallen back and blocked the throat. If the victim is not breathing use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (refer), if the heart is not beating CPR (refer). If they are unconscious put them in the recover position on the weak side once the pulse and respiration are stabilized. If they are conscious prop them up in a half sitting position and give them as much reassurance as possible. Do not give them anything to drink or eat as they may choke or vomit.

Materia Medica

Aconite (2): Heat of the head, pulsation of the carotids. Skin more warm than cold. Pulse full, hard, strong, even suppressed, but not intermittent, especially when fright or vexation was the cause of it. In plethoric, apoplectic subjects.

Arnica (3): Head hot and rest of body cold. Full and strong pulse, with paralysis of limbs, especially left side. Loss of consciousness and stupefaction, with stertorous breathing. Sighing, muttering. Involuntary discharge of urine and feces. Suits middle-aged, plethoric and stout constitutions. Ecchymoses here and there all over the body. Very useful remedy to use if no other remedy is specifically indicated. Fear of being approached.

Bartya Carb (1): Apoplexy of old people, especially those addicted to stimulating drinks. The patient cannot speak. Acts childish, at times anxious and full of fear. General paralysis of old age. Paralysis of the tongue, with loss of memory. Anxiety and fear and great trembling of the limbs, inability to keep the body erect.

Belladonna (2): The first stage of disease, with grinding and gnashing of teeth before attack. Where severe congestive symptoms are still present, or at a later period, when the extravasations causes severe inflammation reaction. Stupefaction, loss of consciousness and speech or convulsive movements of the limbs and muscles of the face. Paralysis of the extremities, especially on the right side. The mouth is drawn to one side. Paralysis of the tongue, ptyalismus, difficult of swallowing, or entire inability to swallow. Loss of sight, dilated pupil, red protruded eyes, red bloated face, reaching with the hand to the genitals.

Coffea (3): Threatening of stroke, overexcited, talkative, full of fear, pangs of conscience. Aversion to open air. Sleeplessness. Convulsive grinding of teeth.

Gelsemium (2): Threatening or actual stroke, with stupor, coma and nearly general paralysis. Headache nausea. tightness of brain, giddiness, tendency to stagger, with imperfect vision, vertigo unto falling, slightly relieved by spirits, Intense passive congestion to head with nervous exhaustion. Dullness, dizziness, wants to be left alone and not moved. Wine < the headache and eye symptoms.

Glonoinum (2). Threatening stroke in subjects with hypertrophy of the heart or insufficiency of aortic. During prodromal stage severe headache, hot flushes in head and face. Mental exaltation or depression, ill humor, anguish. Painful of arteries of the head and neck. Stiff neck and painful sensation at the back of neck, as if clothing were too tight. Vertigo and dullness of head, scintillation's and nebulae before eyes, buzzing in ears, heaviness and tied feeling of extremities restless sloop and frightful dreams.

Hyoscyamus (1): Sudden falling down with a shriek. Soporous condition, face red, lower jaw dropped. Patient weak, trembling, twitching of muscles, stertorous breathing. Inability to swallow, involuntary stool, pulse quick and full. Blood-vessels swollen, numbness of hand after consciousness returns.

Lachesis (2): Stupefaction with loss of consciousness, with blue face and convulsive movements, or tremor of the extremities, or paralysis, especially of the left side. The paroxysms are preceded by frequent absence of mind, or vertigo with much of blood to the head. Blowing expiration. Talkative, rapidly changes from one subject to another. After the use of liquors and mental emotions.

Laurocerasus (2): Vertigo, bloated face, jerking of the facial muscles. Speechless with full consciousness, palpitation of heart with scarcely perceptible pulse and cold, moist skin. Trismus, twitching of face. The coma looks more like a quiet deep sleep. Pulse irregular small and slow, seldom full and hard, stroke with paralysis.

Nux Vomica (2): Stroke of good livers who lead an easy life and suffer from dyspepsia, stupefaction, stertorous breathing and ptyalism, bleary eyes and dimness of vision. Paralysis especially of the lower limbs, and hanging down of the lower jaw. The paroxysm are preceded by vertigo, buzzing in the ears, headache as if the head would split open, or their eyes feel pressed out, with nausea and urge to vomit. Great irritability, anger and hypochondriasis.

Opium (3): The paroxysms are preceded by dullness of sense, vertigo and heaviness of head, buzzing in ears and hardness of hearing, staring look, sleeplessness, anxious dreams or frequent desire to sleep. The paroxysm is attained by tetanic rigidity of the whole body, redness, bloated tissue and heat of the face. Head is hot and covered with hot or cold sweat, redness, with dilated, insensible pupils, slow stertorous breathing, convulsive movements and trembling of extremities. Foams at mouth, deep comatose sleep, with snoring, rattling and hanging down of lower maxilla, impossibility to rouse the patient. The head feels so heavy that it sinks back when the patient want to lift it.

Phosphorus (2): Suddenly falls to ground unconscious, life apparently extinct, pulse and respiration lost, face red and like rest of body cool to touch. Irresponsive to loud calls. After grief from disappointed love. Grasps at head, mouth drawn to the left.

Strontia Carb (1): Violent congestion to head, with hot and red face from every exertion as walking, smothered feeling about heart, allowing no rest. Cannot bear the least draught of air, wants head warmly wrapped up.


STROKE, recent, or the beginning of - Acon., ARN., Aster., bar- c., Bell., COFF., Gels., Glon., hyos., Lach., Laur., Nux-v., OP., Phos., stront-c.

blue face - LACH.

head -

head hot and rest of body cold - Arn.

heat of the head, pulsation of the carotids - Acon.

hypertrophy of the heart - Glon.

mind -

fear - Acon, arn.

fear of being approached - Arn.

fright or vexation - Acon.

full of fear - Bar-c., Coff.

childish, at times anxious- BAR-C.

depression, ill humor, anguish - Glon.

dullness - Gels.

exaltation, mental, coff., Glon.

grief from disappointed love - phos.

irritability, anger and hypochondriasis - NUX-V.

shrieking, and falling down - Hyos.

speechless with full consciousness - Laur.

talkative - Coff., LACH.

neck , clothing too tight around - Lach.

old people - Bar-c.

red, bloated face - Bell.

sides, paralysis -

left., arn., LACH.

sleeplessness - Coff.


grinding and gnashing of teeth before attack - Bell.

convulsive grinding of teeth - Coff.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.

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