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The Compositae Family
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The Three Kingdoms

The study of the natural sciences and homoeopathy go hand and hand. This includes the assessment of the mineral remedies elements of the periodic table, the plant remedies and the study of the botanical families, the animal remedies and study of their families. The first period to discuss the homoeopathic remedies in relationship to the three kingdoms was Samuel Hahnemann.

"As a rule it was developed from their pure symptoms, that most of the earths, alkalis and acids, as well as the neutral salts composed of them, together with several of the metals, cannot be dispensed with in curing the almost innumerable symptoms of Psora. The similarity in nature of the leading antipsoric, sulphur, to phosphorus and other combustible substances from the vegetable and mineral kingdoms led to the use of the latter, and some animal substances naturally followed them by analogy, in agreement with experience."

The Chronic Diseases Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, Hahnemann, The Medicines, page 244.

Hahnemann was the first to study the similarity of the minerals to miasmic states as well as the complementary relationships of the remedies of the three kingdoms. The Founder taught the importance of "analogy in accordance with experience" in the study of the relationships of the remedies of the three worlds. When homœopaths work in this manner they often uncover homogeneous relationships between individual medicines and remedy families found in the materia medica.

The study of remedies in families can be found in the works of Hahnemann, E.A. Farrington, O Lesser, H. A. Roberts, Whitmont and others. When I first came to India very senior homeopaths like the late, great doctor Dhawlae of Bombay were very skilled in understand the remedies powers of various mineral, plant and animal families. The really understood the proven characteristic symptoms of Magnesias, Carbons, Natrums, etc. This research has been expanded by contemporary homoeopaths like J Scholten, J. Shah, and R. Sankaran. Some of the spin-offs of this work, however, has been trivialized to point that it no longer is based on the characteristic symptoms found in the materia medica and some of it has given away to too much speculation.  Nevertheless, it is not necessary to throw the baby (the study of the natural families) with the bath water (too much dependence on essences,  concepts and themes.)

I am not of the opinion that a person can be label a mineral, plant of animal remedy by a few stereotypical indications and without a serious study of the totality of the symptoms..  A person may need a mineral, plant or animal remedy at different times under different circumstances in accordance with their symptoms. The only time one can be sure that a patient needed a mineral, plant and animal remedy is after it has worked. The most important factor in selecting homoeopathic remedies are the individual characteristic symptoms of the mistuned vital force. This is what transcends the apparent distinctions of the psyche and soma and is what some are now calling "the vital sensation". In order to do this one must learn how to judge the characteristic value of symptoms in categories of striking, extraordinary, unusual and odd symptoms (Org. aphorism 153). The more strange, rare and peculiar the symptoms - the more it deserves to be under lined in the anamnesis of the patient. This is the road to finding a true simillimum.

All of this said, the mineral, plant and animal remedies do have differing remedial powers based on their constituents.  Hahnemann's Materia Medica Pura appeared in six parts from 1811 to 1821. This work was based on the provings of the First Provers Union that formed around Hahnemann in Leipzig. At this time, the Founder was using Similia and individualization without the classification of specific disease syndrome. This method, however, was found lacking in the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases. This led to a twelve year study in which Hahnemann recorded the universal actions of three chronic miasmatic diseases, psora, sycosis and syphilis.

In 1828 Hahnemann published the theory of chronic miasms and a materia medica of anti-miasmatic remedies. The Materia Medica Pura contained 67 remedies of which only 16 are minerals, 47 are plants, and 4 are animal remedies. Of the 48 anti miasmic remedies in The Chronic Diseases, 32 are minerals, 13 are plants, and 3 are animal remedies. This is shows that the mineral remedies are at the core of the treatment of inherited and acquired chronic miasms. Of 28 new remedies introduced by Hahnemann between the years 1828-1839 there are 23 minerals and 5 plants.

Most of the apsoric remedies come from the plant world and most of the anti-psoric remedies come from the mineral world. This tells the homoeopath something about the nature of the plant and animal kingdoms. Plants grow fast and go through rapid transformations and many are very similar to traumas, crisis, acute disorders and acute miasms. The minerals are slow moving, stable and pass through changes over longer periods of time. This is analogous to chronic diseases and miasms. The animal are always of the move and the most quick reacting species. The animals remedies are some of the quickest acting most rapidly destructive medicines in the materia medica. They are suitable for very destructive forms of acute and chronic diseases. Those plants and animal remedies that are most suited to chronic diseases are deeply affected by the mineral constituents as in the case of Lycopodium and Calcaraea Carb Ostrearum.

Sulphur, Lycopodium and Calcarea Carbonate Ostrearum are the three cardinal anti-psoric remedies featured in Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases (1828). These remedies are very well proven and their deep actions have been confirmed by generations of homœopaths. John H. Clarke, the English homœopath, once opined that a homœopath should begin their study of the materia medica with the three pivotal chronic remedies, Sulphur, Calcarea, and Lycopodium. Clarke suggested that this grand trio is the basis on which the rest of the materia medica may be grouped by comparison.

"Moreover, Calcarea is one of the polychrest remedies, and ranks with Sulphur and Lycopodium at the head of the antipsorics. It is absolutely essential to a correct appreciation of the homoeopathic materia medica that these three medicines should be thoroughly known, as these are in a sense the standards around which the rest are grouped."

Clarke's Dictionary, Volume 1, Calcarea, page 338.

It is no accident that Sulphur is a mineral, Lycopodium is a plant, and Calcarea is an animal remedy. These three chronic medicines hold the template for the Three Kingdoms in the treatment of the chronic diseases and miasms.  Sulphur is at the head of the mineral world, Lycopodium is at the head of the plant world, and Calcarea is at the head of the animal world in the treatment of chronic miasms. All the other chronic remedies can be grouped by their connections to the three cardinal antipsorics.

Group Studies

I don't think an entire genus group like the botanical Compositae family can be definitively reduced to a few words that are supposed to represent the essence all the remedies. This is an over simplification. The Compositae family, however, does have its characteristic causations, signs, befallments and symptoms that make it unique. The Compositae family includes around 60 homoeopathic remedies including:

ABROT., Absin., Ambro., anth., anth-c., ARN., Art-v., Bell-p., blum-o., brach., CALEN., card-b., Cardus-m., cent., CHAM., chrysan., cich., CINA, cyna., echi., Echi-p., erech., erig., esp-g., eup-a., EUP-P., Eup-pur., galin., Gnaph., Grin., Gua., helia., inul., lact., lact-e., lact-s., lappa, laps., liatr., Mill., Nabal., onop., parth., polym., pyre-o., pyre-p., pyre-r., Sant., Senec., senec-j., senecin., silphu., Solid., tanac., Tarax., tus-f., tus-fa., tus-p., vern-a., WYE., xanrhi., xanth.

In folk medicine these plant were used for shock, traumas, bruises, liver and blood dyscrasia, nervous conditions, spasms, respiratory catarrh, sepsis, and worms. The regional affinities of the Compositae are the Sensorium; mind, BRAIN, Nervous system; respiratory system; immune system; vital organs, HEART, lungs, LIVER, spleen, kidneys; DIGESTIVE ORGANS, gall bladder, stomach; circulation, BLOOD, blood vessels and veins; MUSCLES, Tendons, and Bones; Mucus membranes. Complaints of INJURED, babies, dentition, the young and the aged as in infants and grandparents.

Many of the Compositae represent sudden shocks, traumatism, injury and wounds. These remedies have a feeling as if SHOCKED, BRUISED, TRAUMATIZED, VICTIMIZED, WOUNDED AND "DISLOCATED". There is a need to "get it all back together" and start living again. This is a contrary group of remedies that act with a mixture of defensiveness with fear of interference, injury, invasion, and attack as well as aggression, abuse and striking out. The Compositae patients do not really like to be approached, moved, or TOUCHED because they are < worse contact [emotional and physical], jar, being hit, or sudden movements. Many of these remedies have NEVER WELL SINCE SHOCKS, TRAUMAS, OPERATIONS, WOUNDS AND INJURIES.

The Compositae construction is reminiscent of the complex structures of similar cells in the vital organs like the brain, lungs, liver, heart, spleen, and kidneys. Many of these remedies are have very strong affinities with organs and regions. They are also useful in acute and chronic one-sided states centered in these areas. The more plethoric sanguine elements show symptoms like flushes of heat, heart and circulatory problems, easy hemorrhages, bloody discharges and blood poisoning. Many Compositae are useful in cancer treatment.

Some of these flowers are also very useful in infections, worms, parasites, septic states, rapid decomposition, accompanied by nervous complications, continued and remittent fevers. Here there is a mixture of high fever, chill and sweats with bone and muscles aches, hard bed sensations, prostration, and restlessness. These remedies are characteristic of many acute crisis, acute miasms, zymotic diseases, parasitical, and worm diseases. Such remedies are antiviral, antibiotic, antiseptic and anhelmithic. The Compositae are insect resistant as is demonstrated by Calendula and Chrysanium.

The plants have delicate root systems, longish stems, and larger flower heads. Sometimes the roots are too weak to hold their flower heads up just like the way the patient feels dizzy and must lie down because of great weakness. The Compositae produce prostration of the brain, spasms of the nervous system, with aching muscles with deep bones.

The Compositae remedies have particular seasons, periodicity, and epidemics. Compositae flowers grows in fields and areas with access to sunlight and they change their position with the sun and the patient is < cold, excitability, restlessness, changeable, and subject to mood swings. Most of the Compositae are < cloudy, damp weather. Many flowers are brightly colored, yellow, orange, and red colors while others are lighter colors. These colors are found in the symptoms of various remedies. Many of these flowers act on the brain and nervous elements, bilious humour, the digestive system and the sanguine humor, heart and blood, lungs and breathing.

The small inner flowers that make up the ray of small flowers that move out from a navel and these remedies are known for the pains of the umbilical region. The umbilicus represents instinctive nourishment, as this is the source of the cord that feeds the fetus in with womb. Many of these remedies are known for strong effect on the abdominal organs, mal nourishment, bilious states, abdominal pains, and digestive upsets. The spleen, the filter of melan-choler, adds symptoms of melancholia and hypochondria as well as decomposed discharges. Some of the Compositae tend to become very BILIOUS, irritable, angry, defensive, morose, and sometimes are offensive and abusive when ill. These remedies easily loss mental control during crisis or illnesses and have fear death. In general, they are more morose then melancholic.

Many of the Compositae remedies have an effect on CONVULSIONS, spasmodic diseases and digestive complaints, sometimes as reflex symptoms of worms. This tendency is found in a particular group of Compositae. Some of the Compositae flowers are known for their strong smell as well as power to produce allergenic diseases, hay fever, sneezing, asthma, yawning, and fainting. As decorative flowers they give off pleasant odors as well as pollen that causes HAY FEVER, allergies, and other idiosyncratic reactions. These are disease of the air, nervous system, and respiratory system.

The emotional disposition suffers from mood changes and feelings of being venerable, delicate, and sensitive with fear of being hurt, touched or approached physically as well as mentally. The sensitivity of these plants is shown in the symptoms of excitable but worse < excitement. In the beginning the flowers in bloom stimulate the mind, emotion and senses but in the end they produce the state of sensory depression, dullness, and forgetfulness.

The Compositae temperament is moody, changeable, fearful, nervous, and restlessness alternating with contradictory states, irritability, anger and moroseness. At the same time, they are < change and motion which leaves them frustrated. They are troublesome patients in that they do not answer questions well either of out dullness, denial, and/or irritability. They are very contrary, act as if they can stand it no longer it, and lose control of their mind and senses. These flowers are associated with profuse dreaming of complex subjects that are not well remembered in the morning. At night the sensorium is vividly active but in the daytime it is depressed. The Compositae yawn when tired, under stress, and even when sleeping! In some of these plants this causes < aggravation.

In reviewing the Compositae symptoms there is plethora, cardiovascular, rheumatic, and arthritic diathesis with soreness, stitching, aching, bruised feelings, hard bed sensations, inflamed tissue, AS IF BEATEN OR BROKEN IN PIECES. Many of these remedies have strong sanguine tendencies. There are also rheumatic-like conditions with concomitant heart, liver and kidney diseases, arthritis, urinary cystitis, urethral discharges, gonorrhea and sycosis. These flowers feel as if the mind, head, temples, eyes, forehead, muscles, organs, bones have been traumatized. They are always trying to release stress and stiffness by stretching but there is much lassitude, and they must lie down because of weakness, often associated with trembling.

The cholero bilious elements of these flowers elements are a choleric disposition in which they are very defensive, morose, angry, cross, contrary, and so touchy that they wants to be left alone but are still demanding of attention at the same time. A bilious mentality thinks the best defense is a good offense and they can be quite abusive. This group can be quite domineering and seek to take control by a combination of sullen, antisocial moodiness, irritability and anger. These remedies have bilious indigestion, liver and gall bladder complaints with temple headaches, yellow eyes, photophobia, yellow coating on the tongue, slimy, bitter, yellow discharges, bitter and sour eructation, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding, constipation, and parasites.

Sanguine elements of the Compositae are demonstrated by plethora, heart problems, strokes, hemorrhagic diathesis, bloody discharges, dysmennorhea, metorrhagia, and miscarriages, sometimes from injuring or exertion. There is also easy bruising and internal bleeding. Many of these remedies demonstrate rheumatic and arthritic state with concomitant heart, kidney, liver and circulatory problems. Remember these remedies in external and internal bleeding.

The nervous elements include epilepsy, chorea, convulsions, tremor, cramping pains, trembling, and spasmodic diseases. They patients are prone to parasites and reflex symptoms of worms and parasites. A fourth aspect of Compositae has strong respiratory idiosyncrasies with catarrh, sneezing, yawning, and asthma. Here there is profuse discharge from the mucus membranes with pain in the frontal bones and sinuses < on motion. These remedies have sudden, periodic, or seasonal attacks when the flowers bloom.


Times; < Morning 5 am-9am, 9pm-5am. < eating. < Open air, < cold. < Motion and Sudden motion. < Grief and strong emotions. < Touch. < Approach. < Jar. < Hard bed. < Periodically. < Seasonally. < Rainy, cloudy weather.

The Four Major Subcategories of the Compositae

As a family group the Compositae has the potential to treat the wide variety of signs, befallments, and symptoms. Within the major Compositae there are subgroups that circle around particular cardinal remedies and their symptoms. These remedies hold the template for each subcategory that has a number of lesser-known remedies. For example, the first group of Compositae has a special relationship to traumas, hemorrhages, septic states, and arthritic and rheumatic diathesis and urinary concomitants.

These remedies share the shocked, bruised, broken, wounded sensations of Arnica as well as it hard bed sensations, tendency toward hemorrhage, blood poisoning, pus formations, remittent and continued fevers with heat, chill, and sweat and strong bone pains. These remedies tend to be worse < interference, shock, jar, touch, quick movements, exertions, etc.. We can easily see this image in Arnica but how often do we think of Calendula, Echincea, and Lappa?

The second group within the Compositae is more nervous, bilious, cross, irritable, angry, cramp-like, colicky remedies with a great effect on the navel, abdomen, liver, gal bladder, and spleen. The central remedy for this subgroup is the well-known remedy, Chamomilla, but it also includes Cardus-marianus, Taraxicum., and Grindelia.

The third group of homogeneous remedies is the nervous, spasmodic and anthelminthics group that has violent symptoms, nervous excitement, spasms, epileptic seizure, convulsions, somnambulism, chorea, catalepsy, nervous tremors, twitching, and paralysis. These symptoms center around Cina, but they also include Artemisia vulgaris, Artemisia absinthium, and Tanacetum vulgare.

The fourth group of similar remedies is the respiratory and allergy group that have a strong idiosyncratic effect on the respiratory system, lungs, nose, sinus, mucus membranes, and breathing. The group is headed by Wyethia helenioides but also includes Ambrosia artemisiefolia, Solidago virgaurea and Silphium laciniatum.

The modus operandi of the genus method is learning how the lesser-known remedies of the material medica circulate around the polychrest like satellites. In this way the homoeopath may think of the 4 major Compositae subcategories as the Arnica, Chamomilla, Cina, and Wyethia groups.

This makes it possible to review the 60 remedies of the Compositae Family in smaller homogenous subcategories that reflect the cardinal remedies heading the group. In this way the homoeopaths may use a study of the major remedies to a review of the lesser-known remedies of the family that one would not normally include. If the case points to Arnica one may find Echinacea or Lappa actually suits the patient better. These remedies, however, may not show up in the repertorization due to limited entries. The following presentation is a group study of the four major subcategories of the Compositae and their remedies.

1. The Traumatic, Hemorrhagic, Arthritic, Rheumatic Compositae, The Arnica Group

ARN., brach., Bell-p., eup-a., Eup-per, Eup-pur, Calen, erech., erig., Echi., Mill, gnaph., Lappa., Gua., Senec., tus-p.

The regions for group 1 Compositae are sensorium; mind, nervous system; immune system; vital organs [brain, heart, lungs, liver, gall bladder, kidneys; heart], circulation, blood, blood vessels; veins, muscles, tendons, bones and mucus membranes. They are very useful in traumatic injuries, blows, falls, bruises, distortions, dislocations, wounds, extravasations, hemorrhages and operations.

This group of remedies is characterized by trauma, rheumatic-like conditions of the heart and muscles, arthritic joints with urinary concomitants These remedies show fear of injury, infection, approach, touch, of being wounded, and of bleeding to death. Characteristic include SORE, BRUISED, BEATEN, BROKEN with hard bed sensations that are worse < sudden motions, jar and exertion. Excessive inclination to perform many and long literary labors, without possessing the strength which is required to terminate them without injuring the health.

Many of these remedies are useful in acute miasms and zymotic diseases with bone pains, aching muscles, stitching in the joints, hard bed sensations, terrible headaches, dullness of sensorium, low delirium, muttering, rapid prostration, as well as chill, heat and sweat. The Compositae of this order are useful in septic, bilious, remittent, and continued fevers associated with rapid decomposition and putrid states. Therefore they are very effective in septic wounds with pus, blood poisoning, and boils.

The traumatic Compositae are full-blooded people with plethoric tendencies and the flushes of "bleeders". These flower patients can be very loud, self-centered, contrary, argumentative, and prone to hemorrhages, heart attacks and strokes. They always feel threatened, defensive, attacked, violated, hurt, wounded, and injured. They do not like to be physically or mentally move, touched, jarred, shocked, or interfered with, but they also feel restless, frustrated and ignored. They are better > when still or with moderate or controlled motion but are decidedly < worse from any kind of strain.

These remedies are useful in rheumatic diathesis, heart disorders, circulatory problems, with aching, sore, beaten muscle pains. Noted for arthritic diathesis or gouty-like states with stitching joints, deep aching bone pains < sudden shock, emotional stress, motion, jar, and touch. There is a disposition to genitourinary affections, cystitis, gonorrhea and sycosis.

Many of these remedies are suited to sanguine temperaments or those with plethoric tendencies, hemorrhagic diathesis and ecchymosis. There are many red, purple, blue, and black discolorations. Suited to traumatic diathesis and never well since injury syndromes. Veins varicose, veins distended, engorged, hemorrhoids and plethoric states. The patient is prone to copious menses and metorrhagia. Hemorrhages in TB cases.

Study the individual remedies in this group in the materia medica and note their similar and differential symptoms.

2. The Nervous, Bilious Digestive Compositae, The Chamomilla Group

Anth., anth-c., CHAM., Card-m., card-p., cent., cich., chrysan., Grin., heli., panth., Tarax., Grin., heli., Nabal.

The Group 2 Compositae works in the regions of liver, gal bladder, spleen, eyes, temples, digestive complaints, malnutrition, mal assimilation, and bilious and hypochondriacal states. Complaints of babies, dentition, and young children. This state characterized by a choleric temper, critical nature, anger, bitterness, crossness, with a touchy disposition which is easily offend, irritable, forgetful, restlessness, nervousness, sadness, forgetfulness, moroseness and melancholic.

The bilious Compositate treat congestion and constriction in the forehead, heaviness of head, pressing in the forehead and occiput. The eyes are painful, inflamed with the red lids with yellow whites. There is often bleeding from the nose. The face is sallow, yellow with heat. Mouth has much salivation, bitter taste. There is constriction of the throat with reflux and difficult swallowing. There is eructation worse < after eating.

These remedies show heartburn, nausea, pain, pressing, distention as well as liver and gall bladder ailments. In the abdomen there movements, liver pain, colic, gallstones, cramping, gripping, drawing, pressing, stitching, and rumblings. Most of the stools are bilious and yellow. There is urging in the bladder, to urinate, with morbid desire and scanty yellowish or dark urine.

The Compositae also produce irritation of the larynx, dry irritation of the air passages. The expectoration is often yellowish, greenish and may be bloody. Chest pains on inspiration, pain in the heart region, drawing, stitching, stitching in the side of chest. Pain in the back, upper limb, upper arm, forearm. The sleep is disturbed restlessness with frequent waking, dreams, and yawning. Useful in bilious and gastric fevers. The skin is yellow as in jaundice. Hemorrhage, jerking muscles, lassitude and weakness. These remedies are < Motion. < Right side.

Study the individual remedies in this group in the materia medica and note their similar and differential symptoms.

3. The Nervous, Spasmodic, Anthelminthics Compositae, The Cina Group

Art-v, Absin., CINA., lact., sant., tanac.

The Spasmodic Anthelminthic Group is lead by the remedy, Cina, which carries the template for the subgroup. The regions of Cina group are the mind, NERVOUS SYSTEM, Brain, CEREBRO-SPINAL; senorium, circulation, abdomen, bowels, mucus membranes. Complaints in children. The most common conditions are violent symptoms, nervous excitement, spasms, epileptic seizure, convulsions, somnambulism, chorea, catalepsy, nervous tremors, twitching, and paralysis. These remedies have nervous elements and spasms.

Constitutions prone to worms and parasites and reflex symptoms of parasites. Dark circles under the eye, pale face, itching of the nose and anus, swallowing at night when asleep, grinding of the teeth in sleep, twitching, jerking, restless sleep, worm colic, and a touchy, irritability temper; the child wakes up frightened. Complaints of teething children, childhood and puberty; Young people; nervousness, excitement, and sleeplessness in children. Nervous temperaments with spasmodic diathesis, chorea, or fits of unconsciousness.

There remedies produce an altered state of consciousness with hallucination, exhalation of fancies, frightful visions, as if insane, foolish, or idiotic. Plays antics, teases, jokes until it becomes unkind, does not know when to quit. Kleptomania, a decided tendency to take that which does not belonging to them; to be selfish, envious, and greedy. They may not steal material objects but there always this tendency to take what they want at the cost of others. Ill-humour, restless, fretful, peevish, very cross, does not want to be touched, caressed, or interfered with in any manner. Delusions that they can take what belongs to others, grotesque animals, pursued by enemies, soldier, being murder, and killing. These remedies are prone to yawning, which either aggravates or ameliorates. Worse < excitement; DURING SLEEP; TOUCH; night; Vexation; Worms.

Study the individual remedies in this group in the materia medica and note their similar and differential symptoms.

4. The Respiratory Allergic Compositae, The Wyethia Group

Ambo, silphu, solid, WYE.

The regions of the respiratory and allergy group are RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, Lungs, Nose, MUCUS MEMBRANES, trachea and bronchial tubes; digestion, and bowels. There are many respiratory complaints with urinary concomitants such as asthma and nightly dysuria.. These remedies are useful in HAY FEVER with seasonal attacks, the eyes smart with burning lachymation with intolerable itching of the eyes, and nose bleeds. The nares of the nose are irritated with abundant mucus secretion or painful dryness. There are paroxysms of sneezing. Idiosyncrasies do to special sensitivities, over reaction to non-threatening situations.

Useful in Asthma, chronic bronchitis and catarrh of the lungs, bladder and bowels. Suited to seasonal diarrhea, and dysenteries, esp. if concomitant to respiratory allergies. These remedies are often nervous, uneasy, depressed. There is over reactive anger, irascibility, GREAT IMPATIENCE, irritability from the least exertion, quarrelsomeness, and scolding nature. They can hardly stand their condition and which drives them to distraction. The often feel as if they are falling down from a height. They fear crashing down to reality. Fighting for the breath of life. Feelings as if suffocating or being smothered.

Study the individual remedies in this group in the materia medica and note their similar and differential symptoms.

On this basis it is easy to get an understanding of the Compositae as a whole and the four major subgroups within the family. This makes it easier to digest a large family of remedies in smaller easy to comprehend packages. This information is based on group repertorisation, comparative materia medica studies, and case histories. On this solid basis the shared mental, general and particular symptoms can be collated and the redline characteristics of the family and its subgroups can be developed. On this basis it is then possible to develop the differential symptoms that makes each subgroup and remedies unique in its own sphere. With this objective scientific data in hand it is possible to utilize the more subjective intuitive aspects of the material in a manner that balanced yet progressive. I hope that this short study has given a glimpse into the beneficial aspects of studying remedies in genus groups based on the signs and symptoms.

Asclepius in the Balance

I support the work on the Three Kingdoms done by progressive homoeopaths, but at the same time, I caution against over reliance on essences, themes and concepts to the detriment of the a deeper study of the material found in our traditional repertories and materia medica. When flow charts and keynotes replace (rather than complement) the scientific material found in our reference works the outcome is a retrograde movement in homoeopathic education. Some people do not bother to study the traditional material in any depth and have become one-sided mentalist and so-called essence prescribers. I have heard some say that when they practice the true Esse they do need all that other "stuff".

Much of essence work is so exclusively focused on amateurish psychology that it trivializes the greater system of homoeopathy. If the somatic generals and particulars are not developed hand in hand with the deeper psychological aspects of our art it will fail to retain its rightful place as a complete medical system. If the time honored medical aspects of homoeopathic philosophy and pathology is ignored while the latest revelations circulating the seminar circuit are highlighted with terms like the "cut edge" the "highest essence" and "the best" we lose our heritage to the latest craze. Too many individuals using homoeopathy do not know their fundamentals well enough to be called real homoeopathicians.

If you take some of these individuals into a front line medical institution they do not know how to tell an acute disorder from a chronic disease, a functional disorder from a pathological state, or a dangerous infectious miasm from a non infectious disorder. They don't know how layers of dissimilar disease repel, suspend, or unit into complex diseases nor how the true reversal of symptoms takes place. They can not tell the difference between a constitutional expression, a miasmatic complex, or a one-sided disease. They don't even know the four major types of remedy reactions or the difference between the signs of a true simillimum, a partial simillimum or a wrong remedy. They can not differentiate between a true healing crisis and the symptoms caused by over medication or the a bad reaction. They don't really know homoeopathic medicine yet they think they are already practicing the highest method.

Some are so busy looking for transcendental core delusions, a clever spin on the doctrine of signatures, or a fantastic new remedy essence that they can not even see the characteristic symptoms of mistuned vital force right in front of them. This is a hit or miss method. Sometimes they "hit" at the wrong time in the wrong patient and they cause more trouble than good because they do not take the time to understand the nature of the disease state. Such failures are often blamed on some outside reason or the patient. Please, dear colleagues, learn the fundamentals that make homoeopathy a medical science very well and then you will be able to reach for the stars without losing touch with the realities of the earth plane. It is important to build one's practice on the bedrock of the Organon, Chronic Diseases and Lesser Writings. If one's homoeopathic house is build on proverbial sand the winds and rains of clinical realities will bring it down sooner or later.

I apologize in advance to anyone who may think that I am speaking out unfairly. I am not talking about any particular individual, group or school of thought and I mean no harm. I am sharing my concern about the future of the homoeopathic education and what will be passed on to the next generation of practitioners. That is why I support the progressive areas of study within our school, while at the same time, call for a maintenance of the traditional roots and standards that have made homoeopathy a great medical system.

Similia Minimus

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