Homoeopathic Remedies

Remedies for the treatment of active cases must be carefully individualized. The symptoms of each person should be studied closely in the homoeopathic repertory and materia medica. It is impossible to include all the potential remedies in a clinical study of any particular disease state. One can only review some of the principal remedy candidates and offer a few therapeutic hints. Any individual with potentially serious symptoms should seek emergency medical services immediately.

Covid-19: Acon., Am-c., Anti-t., Ars., Bell., Bapt., Bry., Camph., Carb-v., Chel., Cupr., Eup-per., Gels., Kali-c., Lach., Lyc.., Merc. Nux-v., Ph-ac., Phos., Pyrog., Puls., Rhus-t., Sang., stann., Sulph., Tub., Verat., Verat-v., etc.

Early stages: Acon., Ars., Bry., Bell., Ferr-p., Gels., Kali-i., Nux-v., Phos., Verat-v.

Second stage: Acon., Ant-t., Ars., Kali-m., Lach., Phos., Sang., Sulph.

Later stages: Am-c., Ars., Anti-t., Camph., Carb-v., Carbn-o., Cupr., Gels, Kai-c., Lach., Lyc., Op., Stram.

Septic symptoms: Ars., Bapt., Hep., Lach., Merc., Pyrog., Rhus-t.

Collapse: Acon., Am-c., Anti-t., Ars., Bry., Camph., Carb-v., Chel., Cupr., Phos., Verat.

End of life: Anti-t., Ars., Carb-v., Lach., Tarent., Tarent-c.

An odd symptom is that some patients feel better lying down on their abdomen. Ventilator Incubated patients in the hospitals are being laid on their abdomens to help drain fluids from the lower lobes of the lungs. This points to remedies like Am-c., Ars., Bell., Bry., Chel., Phos., Rhus-t, Stann and some others like bar-c., croto-t, etc. Cough better on lying on abdomen includes; am-c., eup-per., phos., rhus-t. as well as some other remedies.

The symptoms of this comparative study are focused on remedies for SARS-CoV-2, commonly called Covid-19. It includes some remedies that have acted well in confirmed cases as well as potential remedies. This study will be updated as more information becomes available. For Information on practical application please refer to Administering the Remedy.

Aconite (2)

Aconite (2): Pneumonia in the early acute stage (Bell. Ferr-p.). Bryonia follows immediately after Aconite; high fever, sharp pains, > by lying on the affected side, thirst, profuse sweat, headache, etc. Very early developing pneumonia, he begins to bring up small quantities of sputum which is streaked with bright blood, and with the effort of coughing he feels as if his chest were being cut.

Inflammatory symptoms, high fever, dry skin; dry, violent, racking cough, with or without oppression; stitches in chest after exposure to cold winds. Fever: skin dry and hot; face red, or pale and red alternately; burning thirst for large quantities of cold water: intense nervous restlessness, tossing about in agony; becomes intolerable towards evening and on going to sleep. Glaring expression of the eyes in pneumonia. Rapid heart action, full, hard pulse; or extremely feeble, fluttering action, with threatening collapse; deathly anxiety. Tongue white.

Skin, dry, burning hot. Rash of various sorts, nettle-like, measles or scarlet-like. Formication. Sweat predominates on the covered parts.

Much restlessness, anxiety and fear. Most extreme anxiety or apprehension. Impatience. Frightened condition. Fear of ghosts, of dying, of impending evils, etc. Vivid imagination. Delirium, especially at night.

Worse < Evening and night, pains are insupportable: in a warm room; when rising from bed; lying on affected side. Better > in the open air. Used in confirmed cases. Complements: Am-c., Anti-t., Bell., Bry., Phos., Sulph.

Ammonium Carbonicum (3)

Ammonium Carbonicum (3). Pneumonia with great debility with symptoms pointing to the formation of heart-clot and heart attack; bronchopneumonia of the aged; esp. valuable in pneumonia with weak heart; advanced stages. Pneumonia somnolence or drowsiness, with rattling of large bubbles in the lungs; grasping at flocks; bluish or purplish hue of lips; brownish tongue. (Ant-t. Ars., Carb-v.) Loses breath when falling asleep, must awaken to get breath. Violent dry cough in the middle of the night.

Fever with attacks of chilliness, in the evening, frequently accompanied by the hairs standing upon end, blue hands, blue nails, chattering of teeth, and shaking; sometimes these symptoms are followed by nightly heat, and by sweat early in the morning. Very profuse perspiration, of a fetid smell.

A scarlatina-like rash over upper half of the body. Itching and burning vesicles.

Gloomy, depressed, with feeling of impending trouble, with sensation of coldness. Talking and hearing others talk affects greatly. Listless, difficult to think. Stupor.

Worse < Cold weather. Affects right side the most. Cough better > lying on the abdomen; and in general better lying on abdomen. Used in confirmed cases.

Antimonium Tartaricum (2)

Antimonium tartaricum (2): Later stages of pneumonia, with coarse rales, no lung power for expulsion of secretions, great weakness. Serious cases in the late stages approaching death (Carb-v.) The case is not resolving well, not clearing up satisfactorily. Tendency to heart failure, the circulation is giving out, the pulse tends to become irregular, and the heart tends to dilate. In pneumonia of old people or those greatly debilitated, with rattling in the chest, cold perspiration, threatening paralysis of the lungs. Difficult inspiration. Nostril flapping constantly in pneumonia. Pulse feeble, either rapid or slow. Pulse rapid, weak, trembling.

The cough is usually short, without expectoration. Coughing and gasping consecutively. Cough excited by eating, with pain in chest and larynx. Dizziness, with cough. Cough, with paroxysms of suffocation, with vomiting of food and sweat on the forehead. Cough rattling, sounding as though it would end in easy expectoration, but it seems impossible to raise the mucus, though this seems to cause the suffocation. Cough and dyspnoea better lying on right side. Tongue becomes dry, with great weakness. Loss of taste.

In fever; trembling and chilliness over whole body, always from within outward, without ability to get warm, with a general sick feeling. Unusual heat of the body. Sweat all over.

Face cold, blue, pale, covered with cold sweat. Great sleepiness or irresistible inclination to sleep, with nearly all complaints. Thirstlessness in most complaints or drinks little and often.

Pustular eruptions. Vesicular eruptions, discreet, becoming pustular with red areola, general adynamia, etc.

He was talking to himself. Apathetic, drowsy, dull or easily annoyed; wants to be left alone. Stupid confusion. Whining if even touched. Anxiety with the nausea. Delirium.

Worse < In damp, cold weather; lying down at night; warmth of room; change of weather in spring. Better> Cold open air; sitting upright; expectoration; lying on right side, lying on abdomen. Used in confirmed cases. Complements: Am-c., Sulph.

Arsenicum Album (3)

Arsenicumn album (3). The remedy in the pneumonias of the aged, where there is extreme dyspnoea, disturbed circulation, gangrene, disorganization of lung tissue, exhaustion, collapse, and impending paralysis. Toxic and septic appearance. Sunken, anxious features, pale, covered with cold sweat, nose and skin icy cold. Lips livid or bluish with tongue bluish. Face and tongue black. Thirst for warm drinks in sips. Sudden onset of suffocation at night.

Respiration short, accelerated, moaning. Short respiration, especially when walking. Pneumonia of posterior lobes of lungs and partial consolidation of lower lobes of both sides. Frequent oppressive shortness of breath in every position of the body, causing anxiety. Difficult inspiration. Heart's action irregular, irritable; pulse rapid, irregular and weak.

Directly after coughing, the breathing becomes short, as if the chest were contracted. Deep, dry, short, unceasing cough, after midnight. Spasmodic cough, with desire to vomit or vomiting and expectoration of watery mucus. Tongue brown and dry, cracked, tip red, edges red, sore, blistered.

Skin symptoms include itching, burning, swellings; oedema; eruption. papular, dry, rough, scaly < cold and scratching. Urticaria, with burning and restlessness. Pernio-ulcerated chilblains. Gangrenous inflammation.

Anxiousness and restlessness with much weakness. Face expressive of genuine mental agony. Inclined to complain of those about her. Anxiety permits no rest, especially at night; complains of the distress, dreads the future, afraid of ghosts or thieves.

Worse < after midnight, from cold, cold drink or food, lying on affected side or with head low. Better > heat, lying on abdomen. Used as a frontline prophylactic remedy in India and other parts of the world. Used in confirmed cases. Complements: Carb-v., Lach., Phos., Pyrog., Rhus-t., Sulph.

Baptisia (1)

Baptisia(1): Virulent pneumonia in which there a history of a fairly slow onset of the disease. Septic states. In appearance the patient is not unlike a very much more toxic Bryonia patient. Great languor, rapid prostration, soreness of the body, bruised feeling, heaviness, numbness, aching of muscles; wants to lie down, chilly in open air. Breathing difficult, the lungs feel compressed: feel obliged to rise on account of fear of going to sleep, lest he shall suffocate. In whatever position the patient lies, the parts rested upon feel sore and bruised (Pyr). Face flushed, dusky, dark red, with a stupid, besotted, drunken expression (Gels).

Awoke with great difficulty of breathing, lungs felt tight, compressed, could not get a full breath, must open window and get his face to fresh air, burning heat of skin, dry tongue, accelerated pulse, peculiar feeling of brain. Can only swallow liquids, gags on solid food. Tongue yellow, especially in the centre, or yellowish-brown, with red shining edges. Pulse at first accelerated, afterward slow and faint.

During a low type of fever, delirium, with confused ideas and incoherent muttering; especially possessed with an idea that he is trying to collect the several parts of his body.

Livid spots all over body and limbs. Burning and heat in skin. Putrid ulcers with stupor, low delirium and prostration.

Lifeless body but restless mind, tosses and turns, mottled, dark face, besotted look, putrid smells, foul discharges. Mental confusion; a wild, wandering feeling. Inability to think connectedly. Confused, dull, indifferent, delirious, thinks he is broken or double.

Worse < open air, cold wind, autumn; hot weather, humid heat, fog, indoors; walking, pressure. Better > drinking liquids, open air, motion. Similar to Pyrog. in septic and toxic states. Similar: to, Arn., Ars., Bry., Gels., in the early stages of fever with malaise, nervousness, flushed face, drowsiness and muscular soreness. Complements: Ars., Bry.

Bryonia (3)

Bryonia (3): Pneumonia in the early stage; Bryonia follows immediately after Aconite, high fever, sharp pains, ameliorated by lying on the affected side, thirst, profuse sweat, headache, etc. In the Bryonia pneumonias there is usually a history of a fairly gradual onset. Pneumonia, with violent stabbing pains in the chest, a feeling of acute oppression, extreme pain on coughing, pain in the chest on movement with the desire to keep it as still as possible. Pneumonia with some pleuritic involvement. Difficult inspiration. Constriction and stitches in the chest, worse < on moving or coughing. Dryness of mucus membranes, stitching, tearing pains, worse < on motion. Mouth dry, lips cracked, with thirst for large amounts of cold water.. Tongue sometimes dry during fever, usually with a thick, white coat.

Dry hacking cough < smoking or talking, when coming from the open air into a warm room. Cough on coming into a warm room, caused by sensation of a suffocating vapor, or as if he could not breathe enough air. Cough causes bursting headache, and stitches in the sides of the chest.

Holds chest or presses the sternum when coughing (Eup-p.). Headache on coughing, on stooping as if all the contents of head would issue through forehead. Rheumatic pains in extremities. Acute swelling and inflammation, with shining redness, especially over the joints. Pulse full, hard and rapid.

An elevated, red rash over the whole body. Itching eruption over the whole body. Itching stitches > scratching, < walking rapidly. Chilblains.

Sleepy, heavy, lethargic, irritable, wants to be left alone, desire for things that are rejected when offered, talks of business. Mental weakness, difficult holding a continuous train of thought. General ill humor; very easily put out of humor, with needless anxiety. Quarrelsome. Despondent, especially about his recovery. Restless mood, with dread of the future, and of approaching death. Suspended respiration.

Worse < motion, deep breathing, stooping, becoming warm, warm room, eating and anger. Aversion to light, esp. sunlight. Better > lying on painful side, lying on abdomen, pressure, rest, quiet, cold things, drawing up knees, sitting up. Used in prophylaxis and confirmed cases. Complements: Kali-c., Lyc., Rhus-t ., Sulph.

Camphora (2)

Camphora (2): Late stages of pneumonia or other infectious disease when there are coldness, cold sweat, Hippocratic countenance, attacks of suffocation and sudden sinking of the vital forces. In later stages of pneumonia, short, anxious, oppressed breathing, with chill and heat alternating. Heat, dry burning in pneumonia of old people. Surface cold to the touch yet cannot bear to be covered: throws off all coverings. Pulse small, weak, slow.

Cough violent, dry, hacking; violent attacks; stitches in left chest when walking. Cough very fatiguing, without bringing up anything. Every inhalation starts the cough. Tongue cold, speech feeble, hoarseness. Tongue cold, flabby, trembling.

Chilliness and shivering, with goose-flesh; the skin of the whole body is painfully sensitive, and sore to the slightest touch. Shaking chill and chattering of the teeth. Icy coldness of the whole body and deathly paleness. Sensitive to cold air. Internal coldness through the limbs, as from a cold wind.

Skin, pale, blue, livid. Cold perspiration. Chilblains.

Extreme anxiety; dread of being alone in the dark. Agitation; haste. Attacks of violent rage. Delusion she is alone in the world; that he is a devil; that he is possessed of a devil; sensation of flying; he is in hell. Religious despair.

Worse < when half asleep, mental exertion, motion, night. Better > drinking cold water, free discharges, sweat, open air. Used in Iran. Used in confirmed cases.

Carbo Vegetabilis (2)

Carbo vegetabilis (2): Useful in a late stage of pneumonia, with excessive dyspnoea and tendency to collapse. When coma supervenes; death seems imminent (Anti-t.). In cases where deoxygenation contributes to the dying process. In such conditions this remedy has earned its title "the corpse reviver". Persons who have never fully recovered from the exhausting effects of some previous illness. Suffocation in pneumonia, wants to be fanned. Pneumonia complicated with affections of right heart, or in emphysematous patients, with old bronchial catarrhs. Breath is cold. Dyspnoea, with a fullness of the chest, and palpitation on the slightest motion. Breathing laborious, quick and short, only a catching for breathing. Useful in weak heart with fatty degeneration with cold sweat, desire to be fanned, tendency to haemorrhages. Weak pulse.

Cough with burning in chest; < in evening, in open air, after eating and talking. Spasmodic cough, bluish face, offensive expectoration, neglected pneumonia. Deep, rough voice, falling on slight exertion.

Weak digestion: simplest food disagrees; excessive accumulation of gas in stomach and intestines < lying down; after eating or drinking, sensation as if stomach would burst; effects of a debauch, late suppers, rich food. Eructations give temporary relief. Tongue coated white, coated yellowish-brown. Tongue sensitive and raw.

Fever: General chilliness and coldness; thirst only during the coldness. Flushes of heat and burning in various places in the skin. Perspiration on eating; of a sour odor in the early morning hours.

Deficient capillary circulation causes blueness of skin and coldness of extremities; vital powers nearly exhausted; desire to be constantly fanned. Erysipelas, not vesicular or phlegmonous, but a milder variety, with erythema or papular eruption. Itching preventing sleep; after scratching, raw and sore, followed by blisters. Chilblains; toes feels as if frozen.

Anxiety in the evening; could scarcely remain lying still. Irritable mood. Easily excited to anger and violence. Fear of ghosts in the night. Ideas flow slowly; periodic weakness of memory. Confusion of mind; compelled to arouse himself. Restlessness in company.

Worse: From butter, pork, fat food; abuse of quinine bark and mercury; from singing or reading aloud; in warm, damp weather. Better: From eructation; being fanned. Complements: Ars., Kali-c., Phos., Lach.

Chelidonium (1)

Chelidonium (1): Numerous cases of pneumonia in right lung have been cured when associated with symptoms of hepatic derangements, distressing pain under right scapula. Shortness of the breath with tightness of chest, loud mucous rales in bronchi. Difficult inspiration. Violent pain in forehead above eyes, drawing in nape and occiput. Photophobia with lachrymation. Pulse: slow; small and quick; full and hard, though but slightly accelerated towards evening.

Liver complications, biliousness, yellowness of eyes and skin, aching pain at inferior angle of the right scapula. Dryness of the nose, tongue, and throat; great dry heat in face, thirst, with dry mouth, or thirstlessness, no appetite. . Tongue yellow with red margins, showing imprint of the teeth.

General lack of vital heat, coldness of the extremities. Shaking chill, even when walking in the open air. Heat in the evening after lying down, without thirst. Sweat during the morning sleep.

Red, ring-shaped, confluent spots, skin seems mottled. Skin yellow. Tip of the fingers yellow and cold, or with nails blue.

Delirium mostly at night followed by lethargy which continues through the day. Anxiety and restlessness. Aversion to conversation. Despondent. Feels like crying with ill humour for no reason. Worse < right side and right lung. Better > in general lying on abdomen. Complements: Ars., Bry., Lyc., Sulph.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum (3)

Eupatorium Perfoliatum.(3): Pneumonia or pleurisy when pulse is free, full, and frequent; skin inclined to moisture, deep-seated aching pains. Violent deep aching pains in the bones, as if broken. Bruised sore feeling of the muscles of chest, back, and limbs.

Cough, with soreness and heat in the bronchi and soreness of the chest generally, with bone pains. Cough < lying on the back, > lying on the face; cough hurts the head and chest so that he holds the chest with the hands (Bry.). Cough better lying on the abdomen; and in general better lying on abdomen. Hoarseness, with roughness of voice, hacking cough in the evening, with soreness in chest. Yellow coated tongue, thirst. Tongue coated white.

Insatiable thirst before and during chill and fever; knows chill is coming because he cannot drink enough. Tastelessness of food, want of appetite. Taste: bitter, insipid.

Skin surface pale and morbidly sensitive; morbid sensitiveness of skin during fever. Petechial or spotted fever, head drawn spasmodically backward.

Respiration difficult with anxious face and sleeplessness. Sadness during heat. Moans with aching pain and moaning during night as if he was going out of his mind. Restlessness, and moaning with constant change of position although he wishes to stay because it hurts to move. Lassitude.

Worse < Cold air; periodically, 7 to 9 AM, or third or fourth day. < Lying on part, motion, coughing, sight or smell of food. Better > conversation, by getting on hands and knees, lying on face, sweating and vomiting bile. Allies: Bry., Ars. Major remedy in Hong Kong and Macau, China. Used in confirmed cases.

Gelsemium (3)

Gelsemium (3): Congestive pneumonia, with suffering under the scapulae, both sides; caused by checked sweat. Slow breathing and extreme and alarming difficulty of breathing, with distressing sense of fullness and oppression of chest, great chilliness, extremities cold, pulse slow, sluggish, labouring, extreme restlessness from threatened suffocation, continual demand for fresh air, respiratory murmurs feeble and obscure. Heart action irregular, feeble, pulse soft and weak, cold extremities.

Severe cough, with much pain in chest in places, tenderness of epigastrium with vomiting, in paroxysms. Short paroxysms of pain, superior part of right lung, on taking a deep breath; pulse slow, full. Tongue thick; can hardly speak. Tongue coated yellowish-white; tongue numb.

Chills go up and down the spine. Dryness and heat with thirstlessness. Chill, without thirst, along spine; wave-like, extending upward from sacrum to occiput. Wants to be held, because he shakes so.

Face is hot, flushed, with a heavy besotted look, droopy eyelids, lower jaw dropped, putrid breath; the tongue is thickly yellow coated and trembles when protruded. Trembling of the limbs with lack of muscular co-ordination.

Cold extremities; head and face hot, with headache; pulse depressed, less frequent, or very feeble-sometimes almost imperceptible, with chilliness; heat and pain in head; feet cold; perspiration generally follows the fever.

The patient is apathetic, dull, dizzy, drowsy, droopy, heavy, tired, aching, weak, and sore.. More or less complete inability to think. Unconsciousness. General stupidity. Wants to lie down and be left alone.

Worse < Emotions, bad news, damp, humid weather, heat of sun, summer, 10 AM, periodically, thinking of the ailment. Better > Perspiration. Never well since flu. The major prophylactic and treatment remedy in Hong Kong and Macau, China. Used in confirmed cases.

Lachesis (2)

Lachesis (2): Useful in toxic states where it is similar to Bapt. and Pyrog. The patient is toxic, fuddled, maudlin as if drunk; heavy looking with puffy, mottled, cyanotic appearance. There is thick speech, difficulty articulating, liable to drop half their words. Dyspnoea on waking from sleep during pneumonia. The least thing coming near mouth or nose interferes with breathing; wants to be fanned, but slowly and at a distance (rapidly, Carb-v.). Cramp-like pain in the region of the heart, palpitation and anxiety. Intolerance of pressure over heart (with pain and numbness of left arm).

Horrible choking sensation, tightness around the throat, can’t bear having the blankets up around their neck, feels as if they would strangle if they did. Sense of suffocation in the larynx, with suffocative fullness in chest; can bear nothing tight; must sit up. Cyanosis. Irregular heartbeats. Heartbeat accelerated by quick motion.

Left side principally affected; diseases begin on the left and go the right side. Great physical and mental exhaustion; trembling in whole body, would constantly sink down from weakness; worse in the morning (Sulph., Tub.). Heat as from surging of blood; must loosen the clothes, with suffocation.

Chill without thirst, commencing in the small of the back (Eup-p.) runs up the back to the head (Gels.), lessened in a warm room. Stupor or muttering delirium, sunken countenance, falling of lower jaw; tongue dry, black, trembles, is protruded with difficulty or catches on the teeth when protruding. Tongue dry, swollen and dark red.

Skin has a bluish, purplish appearance.. Purpura, with intense prostration. Sore places become gangrenous. Pustular eruptions become black. Chilblains inflame and suppurate. General tendency to sub-cutaneous decomposition. Blue-black swellings.

Loquacity; in the evening, with physical laxity, sleepiness without being able to fall asleep; without sitting up he talks a great deal, wishes to tell stories, constantly goes from one to another; during this, however, he recollects himself and soon knows when he has mixed and distorted anything; he then corrects himself but repeats the same mistakes. Insane jealousy.

Worse < after sleep: contact; pressure of clothes, esp. around neck and waist, pressure or constriction; extremes of temperature; acids; alcohol; sun's rays; spring; summer. Better > Open air, free discharges, hard pressure, cold drinks, sitting bent, loosening clothes. Complements: Ars., Carb-v., Lyc., Phos.

Mercurius (3)

Mercurius (3): The chronic of Belladonna and follows it well in pneumonia and other acute diseases. Bilious pneumonia, when with the icteroid symptoms, the right lung is affected, through the lower portion of which shoot sharp stitching pains to the back (Chel). Oppressive cough in pneumonia, constant before attack. Dry hacking cough as though head and chest would burst. Dry at night, in daytime expectoration of thin, acrid, purulent, yellow mucus often mixed with blood. Weariness, prostration and trembling with profuse sweat that does not relieve. Pulse irregular, quick, strong and intermittent, or soft and trembling. Pulse imperceptible, with warmth of body.

Intense thirst for cold water. Rheumatic pains in the head, face, ears, teeth and extremities with sore throat, swollen glands, and excessive salivation which may wet the pillow during sleep. Sensitive to heat and cold. Creeping chilliness, < in the evening and night. Tongue moist, yellow coated, flabby, showing indention of the teeth.

Fever with heat and shuddering alternately; creeping chilliness; < in the evening and into night Profuse perspiration without relief. Febrile stage not marked; very profuse perspiration, skin almost constantly moist, especially at night, and on slight exertion; sweat offensive, oily, staining the clothes yellow.

Erythema had extended over the whole skin, which was everywhere very painful, somewhat swelled, and most distressingly itchy, attended with a considerable desquamation of the cuticle. Intolerable itching all over the body, afterwards assuming the appearance of nettle rash. Chilblains of feet, cold, cracked, swollen, purple.

Groaning and moaning with the pains. Irresolute, constantly changing their minds. Dissatisfied, complains about everything, his relations, surroundings, etc. Mental restlessness; hurried talking. Wretched and sad; irritable. Thinks he is losing his reason and will die; has numerous illusions. Is weary of life; is mistrustful; thinks everyone is his enemy. Slow in answering questions. Weakness of the memory, forgets everything.

Worse < At night, sweating, lying on right side, heated, from cold or heat, changing weather, cloudy, damp cold, drafts, wet feet. Better > Moderate temperature, rest. Used in confirmed cases. Complements: Bell., Sulph.

Nux Vomica (1)

Nux Vomica (1): Failure of the heart and respiration in pneumonia. Pulse: hard, full, accelerated, small, rapid, intermits every four or five beats. Stitches and pain in chest as if raw, fluent coryza by day but dry at night. Cough with involuntary urination during pneumonia. Rough, raw, and hollow cough, scraped feeling in throat, with mucus rales and thick expectoration. Dryness of mouth, as if tongue stuck to palate. Tongue black and dark red, cracked on edges.

Violent headache as if the brain were bruised, cough brings on bursting headache, heaviness of head, vertigo, pains in loins, constipation, loss of appetite, nausea and desire to vomit.

Sleeplessness or restless sleep, with anxious dreams. Can't sleep after 3 AM until towards morning, awakes feeling wretched, better > after a nap.

Fever: body burning hot, esp. face, yet can't move or bear uncovering without feeling chilly or chilliness being uncovered, yet does not allow being covered. Excessive rigor, with blueness of fingernails. Perspiration sour; only one side of body. Fever with aching in limbs and back, and gastric symptoms.

Burning itching all over, worse in evening, itching with icterus. Blue mottled skin, esp. on covered parts, during shaking chill. Chilblains with superficial inflammation, with bright red swelling, with burning itching, or when the tumefied parts crack and bleed easily.

Very irritable, angry, and impatient, complaining, faultfinding, wants to be left alone. Very irritable and ill humored; quarrelsome, even to violence. Cannot bear the slightest noises, odors, or light; intolerant of noise, talking, music and singing. Cannot endure the slightest contradiction. Unable to think connectedly.

Worse < Early morning, cold, open air, drafts, wind, uncovering. Better > From a nap, free discharges, wrapping head, hot drinks, lying on the side. Complements: Bry., Kali-c., Lyc., Merc., Phos, Sulph.

Phosphorus (3)

Phosphorus (3): As a rule the Phosphorus pneumonia develops rather more quickly than the Bryonia. Burning in all parts of the body and limbs, violent congestions, flushes of heat, rushes of blood, and hemorrhages. It is almost certain to be the remedy, when the bronchial symptoms are prominent in pneumonia. There is great dryness of the air passages, with burning, excoriating and raw feeling in the upper part of the chest. Heaviness of chest, as if a weight were lying on it. Intense bronchial and painful laryngeal affection, affecting the voice and rendering speech almost impossible. Pulse usually soft, compressible, rapid.

Dry, tickling cough, with tightness across the chest, worse < evening and before midnight. Whole body trembles with cough. Sputa rusty blood-colored or purulent. Tongue swollen, chalky white or dry and black.

Fever with shivering, worse in the evening and generally without thirst, coldness, particularly of the extremities, of the knees in bed. At times, with unnatural hunger, followed by or alternating with chilliness; heat usually internal, sometimes partial, as of one leg. Heat at night, without thirst. Sweat general in the morning, on slight effort, exhausting at times, cold and clammy. Profuse perspiration.

Weak empty all-gone feeling and faintness in region of stomach, painless diarrhoea. Craves cold, iced drinks and foods.

Petechiae. Purpura hemorrhagica. Wounds bleed very much, even if small, they heal and break out again. Chilblains with pain of the toe as if frozen.

Open, friendly, sympathetic people who become weak, needy, anxious, restless and fidgety when ill. Fears being alone at twilight. Delirium, loquacious, with difficult respiration. Great anxiety and oppression, especially lying on the left side. Delirium, that he was in several pieces and could not collect them ( Bapt.). Erotic delirium, she uncovers herself. Spasmodic laughing and crying. Apathy; is unwilling to talk and answers slowly; cannot keep the mind on any subject. Stupor; is aroused with difficulty and immediately relapses.

Worse < Change of weather, wind cold, thunderstorms, lightning, lying on the left or painful side. Better > Lying on right side, cold food, cold, open air, eating, dark, massage, being magnetized. Cough better > lying on the abdomen; and in general better lying on abdomen Used in confirmed cases. Complements: Ars., Carb-v., Kali-c., Lyc., Sang., Sulph.

Pyrogen (1)

Pyrogen (1): The Pyrogen pneumonias are usually much more rapid in their onset than the Baptisia. Septic states. Latent pyrogenic process, patient continually relapsing after apparent similimum. Sensation as if heart were too full. Pulse abnormally rapid, out of proportion to temperature. Cough better sitting, worse lying down. Tongue red and dry, clean, cracked, smooth, as though varnished.

Septic fevers. Temperature rises rapidly. Great heat, profuse sweat, bed is soaked, yet temperature does not drop. Coldness and chilliness; chill begins in back. Abnormal balances between pulse and temperature, pulse decreases while temperature increases or pulse increases while temperature decreases.

Offensive smells and discharges, septic states when blood is disorganized, heart weak and muscles prostrated. Disgust at his own body odour. Aching, bruised, sore, bone pains.

Purpura hemorrhagica. Skin, pale, cold, of an ashy hue.

Prostrated yet restless, bed feels hard. Loquacity, thinks and talks faster than ever before, talks or whispers to herself in sleep, cannot tell if they are dreaming or awake. Full of anxiety and insane notions. Sensitive, anxious and confused.

Worse < Cold, damp, sitting, moving eyes. Better > Heat, motion, pressure. Complements: Ars., Bry., Lach., Rhus-t.

Rhus Toxicodendron (1)

Rhus toxicodendron (1): In pneumonia indicated in case after patient has taken on somewhat of the symptoms presented in typhoid. Pneumonia: with typhoid symptoms, often from reabsorption of pus; also with tearing cough and restlessness, because quiet makes pain and dyspnoea worse. Pharynx and larynx feel intolerably raw and rough, full of vesicles. Trembling and palpitation when sitting still; the body moves with each pulse.

Tickling dry cough in the evening until midnight, and again in the morning on waking; with stitches in the chest or pain in the stomach and perspiration; caused by tickling behind the upper part of the sternum. Dry cough < from evening till midnight or from uncovering the body. Cough shattering the head, < wet weather. Tongue sore, tip red. Blisters on the tongue; coated yellowish-white at base; dry or with brown fur.

Fever: External coldness along the skin, coldness but does not mind cold air, chilliness and coldness in general, coldness of single parts, of one side only. Heat in general: internal, external, with thirst, of one side only. Perspiration in general, with heat, offensive.

Weakness, especially while sitting. Constant tossing about in bed. In the morning in bed the limbs upon which he has not lain feel bruised. Stiffness on rising from a seat, > walking. Stiffness in muscles and joints < first motion but > by limbering up.

Vesicular eruptions often become pustular and ulcerate. Vesicular eruption, followed by desquamation, with itching, stinging, and great heat. Intense itching. Vesicles, herpes; Urticaria; pemphigus; erysipelas; vesicular suppurative forms. Pernio-inflamed chilblains with excessive itching.

Mind and senses become cloudy. Extreme restlessness with constant changing of position, great apprehension at night, cannot remain in bed. Apprehension, < night, cannot remain in bed. Sadness and weeping, > amel walking in the open air. Impatient and restless mood. Delirium, usually of a mild, inoffensive type, with mental dullness and confusion.

Worse < After midnight, jar, riding, ice cold drinks, side lain on, drenching, uncovering parts, during rest. Better > Limbering up and continual motion. Cough better > lying on the abdomen; and in general better > lying on abdomen. Complements: Bry., Bell., Lyc., Phos., Sulph., Tub.

Sulphur (1)

Sulphur (1): It may be indicated in any stage of the disease from the second day onwards. The chronic of Aconite and follows it well in pneumonia and other acute diseases. Advanced stage of pneumonia after Bryonia has overcome the threatening features, and now when the patient should rally he does not rally; says "there is something wrong in there; a load in there;" with difficult breathing; flashes of heat and yet not much fever; sometimes coldness alternating with flashes of heat. Complaints such as chronic coughs, originating in remnants of partial pneumonia. Pulse rapid, often hard and full.

Valuable in the later stage of pneumonia, when the inflammatory process fails to resolve, the lung continues dull and the cough dry, the patient begins to have fever at night, hot hands and feet and hot head. Constant heat on vertex; cold feet in daytime, with burning soles at night, wants to find a cool place for them, puts them out of bed to cool them off.

Dry cough in the evening, waking at night, with dyspnoea, < night when lying on the back, with pressure and anxiety in the chest; suffocation. Aggravation of cough: from afternoon to midnight, after sleep. Tongue coated, at times, red and cracked, burning and rough, red tip and margins; burning pain.

Heat: afternoon or evening, skin dry, much thirst, frequent flushes of heat, in face, with shivering sensation over body, and sinking sensation in stomach, burning of palms of hands and soles of feet, and redness of face with burning in single parts, as on malar bones, around eyes, nose, ears and mouth, alternates with chilliness. Chilliness in the evening, with headache; internal chilliness, particularly in the back, creeping chills starting in the small of the back. Dry heat, with great thirst. Night sweat, on nape and occiput. Perspiration of single parts. Disgusting sweats.

Skin; itching, burning; < scratching and washing. Dry burning and itching eruptions, either like nettlerash or like fine papular eruption. Voluptuous itching, scratching relieves, after it burning, sometimes little vesicles. Chilblains itching < warmth of bed.

Ill humor, with restlessness; lachrymose, absorbed in one's self. Irritable and fault finding. Quarrelsome and impatient; nothing pleases. Dread of washing. Anxiety, preventing sleep in the evening, with heat of the head and cold feet. Depressed and weeping mood, with restless night. Delusions; thinks rags beautiful things; that he is immensely wealthy. Affections vitiated; very selfish, no regard for others.

Worse < At rest, when standing, warmth of bed; washing, bathing; changeable weather. Better > Dry warm weather, lying on right side. Complements: Acon.,, Ars., Bell., Merc., Nux-v., Pyrog., Rhus-t.


For information on Homeoprophylaxis please refer to Prevention and Treatment of Epidemic Diseases by Homoeopathy. This article contains a review of the history of preventative remedies and the experience of great homoeopaths.

For a detailed study of the history and preparation of the water dose and case management read Hahnemann's Advanced Methods:

For an in depth study of the complete practice of Homoeopathy, refer to The Homoeopathic Compendium, Volumes 1 to 6, by David Little.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease condition. If there is a possibility that you have acquired a Covid-19 infections call your doctor or emergency services for immediate help.